Tuesday, November 19, 2013

An Attempt at Christmas Pictures

"Mom, this is my sexy pose..." - Wrigley
"Wrigley, stop hogging the camera!" - Bailey
"How's my profile? Bailey, do the 'look away from the camera shot.'" - Wrigley
"Pretend like we are dead..." - Bailey
"Keep playing dead because Mom and Dad are now closer to us..." - Wrigley
"Bailey! Why are you playing?! We are supposed to be playing dead!" - Wrigley
"At least Mom and Dad think it's funny that we refuse to look at Aunt Lauren..." - Wrigley
"I can tell Mom is smitten with Dad's laugh and smile...we are definitely out of trouble!"
"Bailey, we have successfully accomplished another year not on the Christmas card. Now let's go beg for more turkey." 
On Saturday the Tucker family (dogs included) attempted to take Christmas card pictures. Let me rephrase that...we attempted to take a Christmas card picture. Maybe we will try again this weekend when the dogs aren't in a turkey coma. 
Or better yet, maybe I'll end up using one of these pictures because this is our reality. Chris in a baseball hat, me trying to wrangle everyone together, and the dogs being their normal, goofy, selves. This is my life and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Linking up with Glossy Blonde and Karly Kim!


  1. Aww Sarah, these pictures are cute and your dogs are hilarious!!! Such a fun set of photos... :)

  2. Hahahahaha that is hilarious! At least they were calm?

  3. Haha!! I want to take your pictures!!!! Wish I was closer! :)
    And I LOVE your short hair lady!!!

  4. you are sooooo adorable! I love these photos they are perfect! USE THEM, and I want one! lol PS loving the short hair on you mama!


  5. So adorable!! Love that it totally real...and that's what happens in our house too :)

  6. bahaha this is absolutely hilarious and I loved all of it! Thanks for sharing! :) haha

  7. I totally understand this! I feel like I'm always squeezing my pup to death trying to get him to pose with the hubs and I for our Christmas picture! I think you should use one of these :) pretty cute!

  8. Bahhahah these are amazing and I love all of them!

  9. Hahahahaha!!! Those two crack me up! Love their model status poses.

  10. I love Christmas cards with the fur babies!!

  11. ok.. this may be like lame and borderline like dog obsessed... but I brought my dogs to Bass Pro Shop to get their pics taken with Santa... it was a little hairy at first with two of them and tons of babies, dogs, and kids... but it ended in a super cute pic!!!!

  12. BHAHAHA! We are going to try with our crew in mid-December and it will probably go as well as this! haha


  13. Haha oh my gosh I am dying! This is so funny! Great post!


  14. Oh my gosh. I am expecting one of these in my mailbox very soon. I love the captions and I love those sweet baby dogs! So precious friend.

  15. Stopping by from Totally posted Tuesday! These photos are hilarious! I remember laughing a lot when I worked at a photo studio and we had pets on set!

    <3 Vicki

  16. Haha I love your dogs in these pictures!! They are so funny!

  17. These are hilarious! We did the same thing with our dog and my Mom was taking the photo and my Dad was acting like a crazy person trying to get our dog to look at the camera. I can't tell you how many bad ones there were just to get one good one for our holiday card. It's funny though-- we ended up using one of the outtake photos for the back of our card for a laugh. Love it! And PS- your hair is so pretty-- so shiny and healthy! Jealous!
