Thursday, November 7, 2013

I chopped my hair

That right there is 10 inches of my hair, cut and (almost) ready to be sent to Locks of Love. I have wanted to cut my hair for so long, but every time I got close, everyone would talk me out of it. This time I only told a handful of people and just did it. And, I freaking LOVE it.



Coming from someone who has had long, long hair since the 6th grade, I can officially say that long hair is sorta, kinda overrated! I've only lived with this hair for a couple hours and I am already thinking of how many cute things I can do with it.

Long hair was great, but it is so much work. In order to make it look nice, I always had to put so much effort, which always ended in my just throwing it up in a ponytail. I have a feeling that this 'do will be a little less maintenance. 

Excuse all the selfies. It was late when I got home and I didn't feel like getting out my fancy camera. 

If cutting my hair off wasn't exciting enough, I went to a lady I had never been to before. I went completely on referrals and I was NOT disappointed. I have been in Dallas a little over tow years now and I have finally found my "hair lady."

So, that's that. Short hair don't care...especially since my hair is going to a good cause!

High fives: 

1. I cut my hair off and am donating it to a good cause!
2. Today is a half day at school. Woo hoo!
3. I get to visit with a friend and her precious baby girl this weekend. Baby fever.
4. Our house is being cleaned today and there is nothing better than coming home to a clean casa. 
5. Blog friends. They are amazing!

Have you ever chopped all your hair off? Donated it?

Happy Friday!

Linking up with Lauren!



  1. It looks great ! I've donated my hair 7 times, I've always had long hair, cut it than grew it out again and repeated the process. My hair has never been shorter than my shoulders though, I have a need to make sure I can still put it up in a pony tail.

  2. Cute! I need to get my hair cut, to make it healthy, but I have no guts yet and need a cute style.

  3. LOVE IT!!! Wish I could donate someday but your hair can't have ever been colored so that sucks. :)

  4. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! It looks fabulous on you!!!

  5. AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Friend!!! I LOVE it!!!!!!!

  6. My super slow growing hair is envious, but I LOVE your new short 'do! Super cute, lady!!!

  7. I need to know who your hair lady is!!! Your hair is super cute short!!

  8. I've chopped mine to donate twice now and it's almost to the length where I can do it again. I love being able to give back in that way. Plus I totally agree that I love my long hair but as soon as it's cut again it feels so much easier.

  9. You look fantastic! And are making me want to do something to my hair....

  10. I chopped 11 inches off my hair in August and donated it too. I've liked having short hair for a while, but I'm thinking about growing it out again starting the first of the year. And then I'll probably eventually cut it off and donate it again!

  11. GORGEOUS!!! it looks so so good. i love it!

  12. So stinkin cute!! I love it!! I've donated mine twice now and it feels so good!

  13. I'm completely digging the hair! You look fabulous!!!
    I've donated one before, but have never been able to grow it out long enough to donate again!


  14. Love it! I've done this three times! Each time my hair grows back slower though, go figure. Here's the post you can see the pictures.

    I don't think I'll be doing it again though, it just takes so freakin' long to grow it back out! Plus both my boys love longer hair, I guess I'll oblige until I get tired of long hair that is, haha! I'm already back tracking.

  15. Ahhhh! I love it! What a wonderful thing for you to do for someone else. <3

    › xo fal •

  16. You look so stinking adorable! I LOVE the new look! I am trying to grow mine out to your "before" length but I always get impatient and never know how to style it when it gets that long so I opt for your current length! Gorgeous!

  17. that length really suits you! i love medium length hair and have had it basically my whole life. :)

  18. Girl, you are sooooooooooo gorgeous! I absolutely LOVE this length on you!
