Tuesday, September 3, 2013

WIWW: Holy smokes! + Link Up!

Holy smokes where has the year gone?! It is September already!

I am so close to being able to shop again!

Teaching is going amazing. More amazing than I ever imagined! As you can tell by my lack of posts this week it is also very time consuming. When I get a moment to catch up this weekend I will try to detail out how it has been going so far!

Thanks to all of you emailing me well wishes for my first week!

As for my Resolution Recap for the month of August...

Up until school started I was in a workout clothes (minus the actual working out part) all-day-every-day rut. Sometimes I lost track of which workout shorts had been worn and which hadn't. I might have also lost track of when I showered, but please keep that a secret.

The heat in Texas really has helped me stay away from the malls and shopping in general. For the sake of it being so hot, I don't even want to get out of the house. I am anxious to see how this fall is going to go. I always love getting new boots, or cute sweaters. I guess I will be buying Christmas gifts online this year!


- I used to watch TV. Now I just wake up, go to school, come home, go to sleep. Maybe we should consider cancelling our cable? Ha! That would never fly with Chris, but it was a money-saving thought while it lasted.

- We went dove hunting last weekend and I shot one. Yup, just one. Right out of tree.

- I've has the hiccups while writing this entire post and I am about to go crazy.

- Was anyone else looking forward to all those "summer" shows that were supposed to come on Bravo...but they never came?? Like Courtney Takes Dallas (or something like that?), and a couple others. I was really looking forward to those, but it seems like Bravo forgot to fit them in!

- One of my best friends donated bone marrow last year. Yesterday she got a call from the lady who's life she saved. The story can bring a grown man to tears. My Des has a heart of pure gold!

Now for the link up!!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post!!  
(some people have been forgetting this lately and, to be honest, it is really disrespectful. 7 out of 21 bloggers linked back to me last week. I will be deleting your post if you don't respect my one and only rule. Thanks!)

- Write about something fashion related (accessories, shoes, modeling, make-up, etc.)
And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker

Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}

Linking up with Because Shanna Said So, Get Your Pretty On, The Pleated Poppy, and Rolled Up Pretty!  


  1. I am so glad that you are enjoying teaching!! I can't wait to hear more about it. Also, LOVING all the clothes in this post!

  2. I'm glad to hear you are loving your new teaching career. I hope you have an awesome school year!

  3. SO many things to say here ha! 1. Are you going to go cray cray shopping again or will you keep this up maybe? 2. I dove hunt too, holla! 3. YES. Courtney Loves Dallas WHERE IS IT?? She keeps tweeting it is coming but what the heck I'm dying. It's going to be such old footage now if/when they ever show it. Annoying, I live for that kind of stuff ha. Have a good day!

  4. So happy for you at your new job, my sweet friend! and I can't wait for you to shop again. Maybe I should come to Texas just so I can watch you as you make your first purchase;) or perhaps we should just plan our NYC trip for New Years and you can shop there...haha

  5. I love that coral top! I am so, so glad teaching is going well!

  6. Seriously where is Courtney? I was at a party where they were filming in Dallas almost a year ago...how is it not on yet?!

  7. I heard a rumor Courtney Takes Dallas was coming on this fall...no? Anyway, congrats are in order for making it so far without shopping! Only a few more months to go, you can do it! And I can't wait to hear more about your new teaching adventure!!! EEeee!!! :)

  8. Beautiful Outfits Sarah. I love both Tops, especially the Cappuccino one with the big Ruffle - Stunning. I also love the Geo-Print Maxi Dress & your Shift Dress.

    I am Ada by the way and I hope you stop by and enjoy my blog. I love the Outfit I linked up today. Check it out!!

    Have a Great Week. =)

  9. please give me your hair. it's so pretty!

  10. I can't believe it's September either!! That first top is super cute, I must have missed that post!
    We don't watch TV anymore either, just a whole lot of Netflix haha. And that story of your friend is so sweet <3

  11. As always, you are ridiculously gorgeous!!!!!! Most stylish teacher EVER. :)

  12. I think I linked up correctly? It's my first time doing it so not sure! I love your cute little outfits, and you are most def the most stylish teacher I know! :)

  13. AND You have the cutest clothes...ever :)
