Monday, September 16, 2013


Just a random picture of us in Boston back in January. This is my attempt at cooler weather...
There are just not enough hours in the day. How is it Monday already?
This weekend was wonderfully relaxing until that lingering cold I have had for the past month would not leave me alone. That, combined with tons of school planning, made for a major fail in the blog planning department. 
We did manage to sneak in some quality friend time and quality sit-on-the-couch-and-do-nothing time. It was amazing.
I hope to sneak away from school at a decent hour today and be back with a post that has a purpose tomorrow!
Happy Monday


  1. I was hit by a cold or allergy crud this weekend. I just wanted to stay home on this Monday and watch TV all day. :)

  2. No worries, you are allowed to live and have colds and have do-nothing time! We're still here for you! Happy Monday!

  3. There are never enough hours in the day! Sometimes you need to just sit & relax with your husband! It's important! And as much as you want to post a blog, we/the blog can wait. Hope you have a good Monday & that cold goes away soon!!

  4. I do have to say, that is one positive at the moment of being a substitute...I opted not to work today because I totally needed another day to get things done!

  5. This picture makes me excited for Winter for some reason :)

  6. Cute picture! I hope you feel better soon! :)

  7. I want us to go to Boston together. And yes that was the first thing I thought of when I saw your picture. I can't even believe how fast everything is flying. The weekends, the work week.... I can't say I hate it but holy guacamole. :) I hope you have the best week yet pretty friend.

  8. Posts without purposes are fun too! :)

