Monday, September 9, 2013

Catchin' Up

Last week was the first week I haven't blogged at least four days, and for good reason. This teaching thing is happily consuming my life!

Let me catch you up on this little life of mine. 

I usually get to school between 6:45 and 7:00 AM and leave school around 7:00 PM. I am sure all teachers can relate to the whole first-year teaching thing. I am still trying to get in my groove and my type A personality is struggling with my lack of organization lately.

Two weekends ago Chris and I headed down to the Hill Country to visit my family. It was opening weekend of dove hunting season, so we hunted and soaked up as much fresh-country air as possible. Chris and I always adore the quietness of the country. 

Last week was full of work for both of us. We both love our jobs and we know now is the time in our lives to work work work because one day a little Tuck will be occupying all our time!

This weekend was another full weekend. We went to our favorite garage sale in Chris's parents neighborhood. It is community wide and we always score big. This year we came home with a bench press and weights for $25. Now if only we can find time to use it....

Saturday night we went out with friends to the Country Fair at the Gexa Energy Pavilion in Dallas. It was so much fun catching up with friends and taking a break from the grind of work. 

Sunday was full of church, naps, a visit to my bestie's house, and Cowboys football.

How has your last couple of weeks been??

I promise to be a better blogger this week!
Linking up with Sami and Leeann!


  1. So glad school is everything you wanted it to be:) My in laws both taught in Boston for over 30 years so I am familiar with the way things go. keep having fun...although I am excited about the notion of a little tuck in the next few years;)

  2. So happy for you! It always makes life so much better when you love what you do! Cowboy's football was huge at our house this weekend too, thank goodness they WON! :)

  3. Yay for hunting season! You look good with a gun girly ;) And score at the garage sale!! I have been keeping an eye out for some good estate sales around my never know what treasures are waiting at amazing prices!

  4. Hopefully when we move, I can find better garage sales. My area has just junk. Go Cowboys!! Since little man was up at 5 am Sunday, I fell asleep during the 4th quarter. :(

  5. I'm so glad you are making some time to just enjoy and relax. It's one thing I have to work on because I feel like I could do work every night of the week. BUT it makes me so happy to see how happy you are about this change!!!!! Love love love!

  6. Love this! I'm so happy that you are loving your job and wholeheartedly going for it. You're an inspiration!

    Also, I'm super jealous that you were at the Country Fair. Is that where Pat Green was? Maybe that was Friday night. My friend and I were just hanging around and were listening to PG and were like "I wonder if he is touring" and of course he was at Gexa THAT night.

    Glad you had a fun weekend!

  7. I did my best not to stay too late my first year. I picked one day during the week to stay then I'd come up on Sundays and copy for the week. It worked out great! You'll find your perfect eventually :)

  8. YAAY! I'm so glad that you're loving & enjoying your job SO much! That truly is such a blessing! Sounds like you guys have been super busy!! Looove the black & white chevron dress from today's post!!

  9. You two are so cute! I'm glad school is going well. I'm sure you're doing an AMAZING job!

    Thanks for linking up :)

  10. I LOVE the fair, you two look ADORABLE!!! :)

  11. I definitely remember those long days at school! Keep up the great work!

  12. I'm glad you're enjoying your new job! Kevin and my dad went dove hunting, too. I need to get in on the action next time!
