Monday, September 23, 2013

My Favorite Dress, Transitioned

Remember this beauty? As in the dress? (I am not that into myself...)

In this post I promised I would show you how I would transition this mint little number into a fall masterpiece. I am no Picasso, but I think I can give a first grader a run for their money.

Texas gave us a taste of fall last weekend. As in taste I mean like licking the crumbs out of the cookie jar. We had just gotten our fix of the cool air then seee yaaaaa. It was gone. 

In the millisecond that my body stopped sweating I decided to throw on this dress and convert it into a fall staple piece. A simple cream cardigan and my favorite boots made for the comfiest outfit.

How are you transitioning your summer pieces?

Happy Tuesday!



  1. This is one thing i need to work on....transitioning my summer dresses into fall dresses. Sometimes I just think the colors aren't "fall" enough, so I only wear them in the summer. I guess I'll make it a fall goal of mine to mix them in! :)

  2. I love this so much. I really needed inspiration to take some of my summer things into fall. This looks fabulous!!

  3. Cuuuuuuute!!! Love it with the boots!

  4. I love both looks and how comfy it looks styled either way!

  5. You are seriously too cute! That's a great way to transition it! I have stuck to my word and havent shopped this month. I can't say that will last very much longer but I think one big trip and then no more shopping until spring. I can do it! I can't believe you have almost made it a year! woohoo!

  6. SOOOO classy! You look like a little Jacke O clone! :) XOXO
