Tuesday, June 4, 2013

WIWW: Wedding Dress + Link Up

Not my wedding dress. The dress I wore to a wedding last weekend. So it was my wedding dress, right? You have date night dresses and cocktail dresses, so why can't we have multiple wedding dresses?

Just agree so I don't feel completely ridiculous.

Moving on before the embarrass myself even more. 

Oh wait, one more thing! Can I just say THANK YOU for all the sweet and encouraging messages after Monday's post?! Wow! I am so, so blessed to have so much support and can't wait to see what this new adventure entails!

I honestly forgot I had these wedges until I thought about what to wear to the wedding. Usually I wear nude pumps, but I wanted a more casual feel and these wedges fit the bill! 

As for the pictures in front of the curtains...Prince Chris didn't want to move his bum outside to take my pics. Pick your battles people, pick you battles. 

Dress: Nordstrom // Wedges: Charming Charlie// Necklace: Dillards // Bracelet: F21 // Watch: Fossil

Wednesday randoms:

- I have a really great DIY redo lamp to show you tomorrow!

- Chris has been having bad asthma problems and waking up around 3:30am every morning...then I am so worried about him that I can't sleep...so I am a walking zombie the rest of the day. (He got new medicine today!)

- The Bachelorette is still boring me...

- I am addicted to Salted Caramel Gelato at the moment.

- I have sun spots where a mustache should be and it has been really driving me nuts lately. To elaborate...I noticed them last year, but they were very faint. This year they are back and darker than ever. I have always worn sunscreen on my face, but I guess years of softball and swimming all summer finally caught up to me! Anyone have suggestions to lighten them? Any creams that work?

Now for the link up! 

- All I ask is you link back to my blog 
- Write about something fashion related (accessories, shoes, modeling, make-up, etc.)
- Invite other bloggers to link up via social media!
- And go meet people! Please!

And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker



  1. Hi Sarah. I have a recommendation for you on a skin tone correcting serum that is a game changer. It's called Dr. Weil's Mega Bright by Origins. It's worth every pretty penny and then some. You can read about it here. ( http://www.origins.com/product/4201/21197/Great-Gifts/Price/Gifts-Under-75/Dr-Andrew-Weil-for-Origins-Mega-Bright/Skin-tone-correcting-serum/index.tmpl ) They have other products that will boost the effectiveness of the serum, but the serum alone is fantastic as well.

    Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Julianne!! I am looking it up now! You're the best!

      Have a great day :)

  2. You are so freaking cute!!!!!

  3. Ugh my friends and I used to get that...we called it a 'sun stache'. Clinque makes a dark spot correcter that is pretty good. My friends and I also determined that sometimes it can be caused by the birth control you are taking + sun. Fun?! The Clinque has worked pretty well for me.

    P.s. love that dress!

  4. cute outfit.
    Glad it wasn't your wedding dress, your actual wedding dress was stunning.
    Also rock our your sun spots/mustache.
    I have one on my right boob.
    It's awesome, not really but what can you do?

  5. That dress is pretty much the perfect color for you! I love those wedges too. And salted caramel gelato? OMGosh.

  6. You are just darling! So cute! How's it going with the new years resolution? I'm curious to find out how you are doing so well. :)

  7. Stunning and very classy dress! I love the color and you look gorgeous! Cute wedges too! I've been obsessing over wedges for this summer!

  8. Love this dress on you. The color is gorgeous!!

    xo, tasha
    twenty-something blog

  9. That is such a beautiful dress! I love the colour on you so much! xo
