Sunday, June 23, 2013

8 Things I Live For and 2 Things I Can't Live Without

1. My husband and family. Obviously, they are all my world.

2. My dogs. They are also my world. Take my house, take my car, take my clothes and shoes, but you're not getting my family or pups. No sir'ee!

3. I live to have fun! We have one life to live. Why not travel, and live it up, and be young while we can?? Now is the time in our lives where we have the chance to take vacations with other couples, attend tons of weddings and baby showers, and be spontaneous. 

4. I live for my friends. Without them I am not sure where I would be. Most of my friends are as close to me as my family and I thank God for that relationship everyday.

5. Food. Specifically ice cream. I live for a double scoop hot fudge sundae, or a tub of coffee ice cream. There is always an empty pocket in this belly of mine designated for ice cream!

6. I live for the future. Isn't it so exciting to think about what is to come? What will tomorrow hold? Next year? Ten years? Sometimes I have to remind myself to live in the present, but it's oh so sweet to dream up the future.

7. I live for anything that has to do with being pampered. Manicures, pedicures, massages, facials, you name it! If you ask Chris he will tell you I am obsessed with having my back rubbed, feet rubbed, head rubbed...anything I can convince him to massage, I'll take it! My Mom would ALWAYS sit on the edge of my bed before I went to sleep and rub or scratch my back. There is something about a great massage that makes you stop and think, "Wow, life is good and I am blessed." It really allows me to slow down and take a step back from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life.

8. I live for holidays. What is better than getting together with your family, celebrating something special, and eating until you pass out on the couch? Ummm, nothing, nothing is better. I live for waking up on Christmas morning with no make up. Snapping those sleepy eyed pictures that reflect the faces of the gifts given. This year we will be with Chris's family for Thanksgiving and my family for Christmas. It is so interesting seeing other family's traditions and favorite foods during the holidays, and it makes me so excited to think of the traditions we will start with our future family! 

9. I can't live without this stupid blue pillow I sleep with every night. That pillow serves no purpose whatsoever, but I clutch it all night long. I wake up if I can't feel it, grab it from Chris if he thinks he can get away with stealing it, and take it with me everywhere. Weird, I know.  

10. I can't live without face wash and a toothbrush. There is nothing worse than feeling like your face and teeth are dirty. Put me on an island and give me those two items, plus something more useful (like a knife I suppose) and I'd be good to go.

And a bonus: I live for and can't live without God. He is everything and nothing in my life would be possible without Him. I strive to live for Him and, God knows, I can't live without Him! 

What do you live for? 

PS: Did you read this article about me at Go check it out!

Linking up with Becky!


  1. Living for FUN. Yes, so important. I often find that I get so caught up in trying to make a living that I forget to make a life. I hate when that happens... as I get older I find that I need to make FUN a priority! But it is kind of nice to put on my to-do list HANG OUT WITH FRIENDS. Make sure I do it! The laundry can wait, the dishes can wait! My need to have fun CANNOT.

    Oh and yes - ice cream ;)

  2. Fantastic list. These are all some of my faves too. Especially ice cream and pups.

  3. Great write up and thanks for the shout out!

  4. Love this! What a great list!

  5. Whoo hoo for the article!! Loved it! And great list....couldn't agree with you more..I always tell Aaron now is the time for us to really enjoy our youth and be spontaneous while we can :) I also have my own special pillow...that thing is in my arms, on lock, all night long. Aaron calls it my drool pillow... geeze...I am an open mouth sleeper...doesn't mean I drooooool. Thanks husband. hahaha ;)

  6. I have a little blue pillow that I feel the same way about! It's like WW3 up in here if it gets taken in the night!

  7. Awesome list! Living in the moment is hard sometimes for me too but I try to slow down and enjoy everything I do to the fullest (this summer school I am teaching for example bahhhh!).

  8. oh my gosh! I love all of this. Lots of love and your live withouts... I have a secret live without thing that goes everywhere with me but I like your pillow idea so much better. haha Hope you had a great weekend and have an amazing rest of your week my dear.

  9. I love you even more now and your bonus item is the best of all. :)

  10. i totally live for my fiance and our dog!! But I really love your wedding pic, that's a great shot!
