Monday, June 3, 2013

Super Exciting News!!

 So I am just going to through it out there and say:
I lost my job on April 30th.
Now, before you throw out the"that's not super exciting news..." and "after you just worked 80 hours a week during the busy tax season!?!" and "how could they??" let me just say I have been hiding a secret...

You see, ever since last April (of 2012) I have known that accounting was not for me. Crunching numbers, sitting behind a computer, working ungodly hours to see no get the point. I have not been happy with my job for quite sometime. 
In February, I had had enough. I was tired of wasting my time with a job I hated and decided it was time I pursued my true passion: teaching!
I know, I know..."but you have a master's degree and could make triple what a teacher makes..." I. Don't. Care. I am ready to go to work and be passionate about what I do.
Here is the back-story to teaching:
I always known I wanted to be a teacher. I lovelovelove kids. Like love them! Growing up in a small town (1,500 people) I felt as though I needed to "prove" myself; have that big corporate job and "become something." I always felt that teaching was a "last resort" because soooo many people always said, "oh if (fill in the blank) doesn't work out, I'll just teach." Like teaching was the bottom of the barrel, end of the road, last resort. Being an overachiever, I didn't want to give off the impression I was taking the "easy" way out. I didn't graduate college in three years and get an MBA to take the easy way out.

Let me back up and say that I think teaching could be one of the hardest professions out there. My mom was a special education teacher for a number of years and I have seen first-hand the lives she touched and impact she made. 
Teaching may be a last resort to some, but it isn't to me.
After I realized the corporate world sucks (or maybe it just isn't for me), Chris and I talked it over and we decided now (in February) would be the perfect time for me to start getting certified to teach. Having Chris's support meant the world to me. He saw everyday how miserable I was and it killed him. He lovesss his job and knowing that I hated mine, well, it made him feel really bad. 
So, I was secretly getting certified to teach elementary school while getting my master's degree and working a tax season. 
Then, dun dun dunnnnn...
April 30th I got "let go" and let-me-tell-you....I HONESTLY had never been more relieved in my life! I HATE quitting anything and it was giving me anxiety thinking about having to quit in June/July to find a teaching job. I felt as though it was a weight lifted off my shoulders. And the BEST part yet...they are paying me until June 30th! Had I just quit I wouldn't have got all this free time to find a job, all while getting paid!

So basically I am on a paid vacation. Livin' that housewife dream....yet still bringing home some moolah.
And you think God is already crazy? Wait until you hear this!!!
Teaching in the DFW metroplex is like trying to work on Wall Street in NYC; almost impossible. It is so hard to find a job here. I knew it would be up to God and tons of prayer for me to find a job.
On May 13th I went to an education job fair and was blown the freak away. I have never in my life felt so intimidated. Most people would say I can hold my own in a room full of people and very little intimidates me, but this, wow. Even with a master's degree, I felt like I didn't have the credentials to compete with these people. 
I remember saying a prayer as I was walking into the building. I asked God to lead me to the school I was called to be at. I asked Him to give me a sign as to where I needed to go.
As soon as I walked in I was overwhelmed. I got in a line. Yup, just a line. I asked the girl in front of me what this line was for and she named two school districts that she thought the line led to. Being impatient I bee lined it for my dream district. The line at that booth was unorganized and by the grace of God I weaseled my way to the front. A nice lady had me fill out some paperwork. After looking over the papers she said she thought I was perfect for a position at a specific school and that principal was actually at the job fair. 
She went to get him and I was in shock! These job fairs are like running cattle through a barn. You get a couple seconds, maybe a minute, to introduce yourself and off to the next booth you go. They see thousands of people, so getting quality time with a principal is rare.
When the principal approached me we clicked instantly. I can't tell you what it was, but I felt like I could work for this guy. We got to talking and we talked for about ten minutes. TEN minutes people! THIS girl kept a principal's interest for TEN minutes!!
I think I was dripping sweat and possible shaking. I don't think I took a breath either, but I knew at that moment I had never been that excited for a job in my life. 
What the principal and I talked about is like a blur in my head, but I do remember him say something along the lines of "I don't hire teachers for their experience, I hire hard workers who can become good teachers...and from what I can tell, you're one heck of a hard worker." Thank you God. 
He asked me to email him later that day and touch base. Umm, okay?!!! 
As I walked away from that booth I went to my second choice district. Andddd it was a cattle call. I talked to the principal for about 30 seconds and off I went. 
Overwhelmed by everything, I left. I was seriously too overwhelmed. 
Later that day I sent the email to the principal I talked to and he quickly replied wanting to set up at time to interview. I seriously scored an interview?? I was in shock!
Without dragging this story out any longer, I had two interviews on Wednesday, May 22nd. One with the cattle call school and another with my "favorite" principal.
I felt great about both interviews, but definitely favored the one. Something just clicked and I really knew I wanted to work for that principal and work at his school.
Thursday morning the phone rang and it was my "favorite" principal. He wanted me to come back in to "meet the whole fifth grade team." Imagine me shrieking with excitement, calling Chris and yelling with glee, and acting like a giddy little girl. 
I went and met the team last Thursday and this past Thursday I got the call asking if I would accept a position as a fifth grade teacher!!!
Y'all, God is good! I had everyone and their mom praying for me and without prayer and Him, this would have NEVER been possible. To score one interview in this area is rare and two score two is unheard of ESPECIALLY when you don't have an education degree or any actual teaching experience. 
I didn't want to let the cat out of the bag any sooner because I wanted to stay focused on finding a job. Now that I am officially employed I can shout it from the roof tops!!
I can't wait to start this new chapter in my career. I know this is what I was called to do and I know this is where my heart is. 
So, until school starts, I will continue to get my tan on, soak up the sweet life, and never forget...anything is possible with hard-work, dedication, and a whole-lotta prayer :)
Happy Monday!!  
Linking up with MegLeeann, Carly, and Molly!


  1. Sarah! How exciting! I almost cried. I am a teacher. Well, I was before having this baby and moving across the country. But there is nothing like creating a family in your little classroom. And 5th grade is awesome. It is so incredibly hard to find teaching jobs these days. god certainly had you on the path to be a teacher, you will be such a blessing to your kids! Have fun setting up your first classroom. There is nothing like it!!

    1. Thank you, sweet Megan! I am so happy to have all the support I do and can't wait to show off my classroom and start this new journey!

  2. Ahhhhhh friend. I love this and am soooooo happy for you!!! You are going to be an amazing asset to your team and that campus. I can't wait to share stories all year long next year. I'm here to help in any and every way. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! Love love love

  3. Congrats congrats congrats!!! I'm so so so excited for you! DFW is CRAZY hard to get a teaching job in, and it doesn't surprise me at all that you pulled it off!

    1. You're too sweet! I owe it all to prayers and the support from my friends and family....and a string of good luck :)

      Thank you for your encouraging comment!! Have a wonderful day!

  4. Congratulations! That is amazing! So wonderful that you got into your dream district and you're so excited about the new job. You'll make such a difference... I'm glad you're so happy!

  5. This is awesome Sarah. You truly are a wonderful person to do what you're doing and I know you'll make the BEST teacher! The stars aligned for you, my friend, and I couldn't be happier for you! Hopefully they have a 'bring your pups to work day'. :)

  6. Woo Hoo!!! Congratulations girl!!! That is so so exciting & I'm so happy for you that you found a job! Now, I have to know... WHAT school district!? HAHA!

  7. Aww, Sarah, this story just gave me chills! God is amazing. I'm SO happy for you. We need more teachers like you. Which district will you be in? I got laid off after fourteen years in an unfulfilling telecom job two months ago. It was the biggest blessing ever! I'm living the life on my severance until I figure out what the next chapter holds. God always has the perfect plan, doesn't He? :)

  8. congrats on embarking on a new career and a new chapter in your life! xo

  9. Congratulations! This is actually something I have been mulling over the last year as well. I am in the same boat as you were- finishing up my Masters and whatnot. The thing that keeps holding me back is the mandatory semester of student teaching. Good luck in your next adventure!!

  10. Congratulations!!! My sister is a 5th grade teacher and she loves it!

    1. Thank you!! I can't wait to start this new chapter!!

  11. This is amazing! We should all take a page from your book. Too often we get stuck in what's safe, but only to our own detriment. I'm so proud of you for pursing your dreams. Those kiddos will be lucky to have you!

  12. Woo Woo!!! I'm such a proud bestie right now and I'm so glad the cat's out of the bag!!!! So glad that you've found your dream job!!! :)

  13. So awesome congratulations. I am glad you are following your dream!!!

  14. oh my gosh! That is so fantastic! And getting laid off was such a blessing, you didn't have to have that feeling of disappointing people, you get paid for doing something you were already going to do, and you get follow your dream! Plus you got your dream job! Woo hoo! Good luck next year, although you probably don't need it, cause you're just awesome like that!

  15. I don't really even know you, but this story makes me feel a little teary. I am really happy for you - this was definitely a God thing! :)

  16. Girllll!! GO YOU!! That is so amazing, I am so happy for you!!! Congrats!

  17. Wow! This is soo exciting! I am a teacher as well and I'm so happy that you are finally doing what you feel God has called you to do!

    Good luck!

  18. Wow congrats. I taught 4th grade here in STL until the budget cuts and have been trying to get back into the classroom since 2010. To get a job asap like that is awesome - throw that luck my way!

  19. I've been reading (stalking) your blog for a while now, and have never commented. However, I just had to tell you how great I think this change is. I totally agree with you about so much of what you stated here. The corporate world is definitely not for everyone (been there...done that...yuck!). And the best teachers are those who do it because they love it and love kids, and those things are so evident and obvious to the kids, parents, and other teachers. A big congratulations on your new adventure!

    1. Stalk away :))

      So happy you commented! I LOVE meeting new people through blogging and love getting such encouraging and sweet comments like yours!

      Thank you for your support and I cannot wait to start this new journey :))

  20. That's so awesome!!! God is so good, isn't he?? Can't wait to read all about your new adventure! :)

  21. Congratulations!!! isn't it crazy how life works sometimes?! sometimes things happen for a reason, so wonderful!

  22. Congrats my dear!! I love when people follow their dreams!!

  23. Yay! Congrats girl! Yep, I know first hand how hard it is to get a teaching job there. Been there done that on the job fairs, and I got a job just days before school started! So excited for you! What district? I worked for a tiny private Christian school my first year and then spent 4 years with Carroll ISD until we moved away. Loved it!

  24. Oh Sarah, I am SO SO SO happy for you!!! I think if I wasn't going into nursing that that would be my second choice. You have one of THE most important jobs on Earth by molding and shaping the lives of our future. Kudos to you and I can't imagine how excited you are. Do you get to decorate and fix up your classroom??? :)

  25. This is so exciting!! Congratulations! I have heard the same thing about Dallas being hard to find a job in, so good for you!!

  26. YAY! That is awesome, so happy for you! :)

  27. Holy COW!!! What a story!!! I am so excited for you and your new adventure! I am a teacher in the DFW area and am DYING to know what district you will be in!! There are a lot of openings in my district so what if you are in mine?!? I absolutely love teaching, it is my calling and I could not imagine doing anything else!! Not that I'm a stalker lol but I follow you on pinterest and noticed you pinning tons of school stuff! I only know because I repinned some! Good luck and let me know if I can help in anyway!!!

  28. Yay Sarah!!!! I'm so, so, so excited for you! To go to work everyday and truly love what you do is an amazing thing!!! Following your dreams isn't always easy but definitely worth the hard work!! Have a great week friend!!

  29. Congrats! What wonderful news!

  30. Congrats!!! Super exciting is right!!! You will rock this!!

  31. Loving what you do is alllllll that matters! So proud of you sister!! You are an inspiration!!!! Go get'em!!!

  32. Yaaaaaaayyy!!!! Congrats and I am so happy for you my friend! So amazing you are getting to fufill your dream career. I can just see you already...inspiring young are going to be a wonderful teacher! :)

  33. Congrats! That is so exciting! I definitely feel you on the Accounting thing. That is my background also and I worked my tail off for 5 years before finally getting the courage to admit that I hated it and move on to something completely different. I'm so glad that you found something you love!

  34. Congratulations Sarah! That is fabulous news and I'm SO happy you followed your dreams to do what you love...because it's not always about money- it's about finding something you are passionate about! You go girl!

  35. Sarah! I specifically came here today so I could leave you a comment asking about the job search. SOOOOO happy for you! Dying to know where you are going to be?!?

  36. So, how does the alternative certification work where you live? I too have an MBA, but in Missouri you have to be hired and then get the certification while teaching. So annoying. How can I convince a district to hire me when I literally have NO credentials in Ed? Anyway, I'd love to know how it works there.

  37. This is so cool -- and 5th graders are amazing...such a great age. What district/school??!!

  38. Yeay!!!! So happy for you and this new chapter in your life. I can tell you will be a great teacher, you have the motivation that a lot of them lack....wish you could be my kids teacher...btw...what district did you get the job at? I know we are in desperate need for teachers at my daughter's school...but we have a lady principal....although..we also got a male assistant principal..hmm.

  39. OMG girl where oh where have I been, oh yeah busy with school stuff and getting ready to teach too. AHHHHHH I am so freakin' excited for you! I am beyond thrilled to have someone in the same boat as me (first-year teacher). Good luck with fifth grade---that takes guts but they can be fun, I worked with fourth and fifth science during my student teaching this year. Can't wait to hear more and exchange the first-year drama with you. Muah!



  40. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Such exciting news!!! You are going to be an awesome teacher! Loving what you do is so much more important than making a lot of money. :)

  41. holy cow, this is an AMAZING story!!!!! congratulations!!! i hope you love every second of it. 5th grade is a great age!!

  42. Oh, Sarah! I'm so excited for you (and so late on reading - I'm playing catch up!). I've been thinking about you since you told me the news and I'm just so thankful you've gotten a job doing what you know you're supposed to do! It's amazing to see God working out all the little details!

  43. I am so excited for you!! I am totally jealous! I am currently an accountant and not happy. I also want to teach. Unfortunately I am the breadwinner so I have to go to this job everyday and fake happiness. Enjoy and have fun!!!!

  44. Congrats!!!! That has got to be such a rewarding feeling. I relate to this post SO much. I am working in the finance industry (hate it for all the reasons you mentioned and more). I've been secretly working on my teaching credential here in CA. I cannot wait to get out. Cheers for teachers!

    Style of One's Own

  45. stopping by from your quest post today on helene's blog! that is an amazing story! God works in the best ways, doesn't he??
