Thursday, June 6, 2013

Oh, It's Friday!

Thank sweet baby Jesus!

Just to recap you on this adventurous week here at Tucker Up:

I lost my job, but it was a blessing!

My resolution is still going strong.

I DIY'd a sentimental lamp.

Now I am headed back to my hometown to watch my little brother graduate as salutatorian of his class! (Slight brag, but I am so freakin' proud of him!)

A long weekend full of family time is just what I need! Most people go to the Hill Country on vacation...I go there because it is home

In other news:

I got to babysit these two sillies this week! They are so stinkin' adorable. I just adore them and their parents!

Our flowers are back this year! Our builder planted them and I have managed to not kill them!

It has be so per-tay here in ol Tejas that I decided to work outside one day.

Begger. That is what we should have named him.

I have has the rinkiest dinkiest phone case for two years now. Thanks to Amazon, I now how two adorable new phone cases!

These two would have been married 65 years on June 6th. Hard to believe it has almost been a year since my favorite person in the world passed away. My Meme was the most wonderful lady. Love you, Mem. 

What are you doing this weekend?? Fun in the sun for this chick!



  1. Why has it never crossed my mind to get a TB case on Amazon?! Thank you ma'am!

  2. oh my gosh! An exciting weekend for you for sure and that baby!!! ahhh so cute! I love anything Tory and am slightly jealous but in the best possible way! Have a great weekend and enjoy some family time friend!

  3. love those phone cases! They are adorable!
