Monday, February 18, 2013

Weekend Wrap: It was perfect.

After kind of a rough week, the weekend turned out nothing short of perfect!

Since I spent Valentines evening with my computer and a Gloria's chimichanga (my Mister was out of town) I was excited for Chris's arrival back into town on Friday, and more importantly, our date on Saturday!

Friday morning I had a bit of an issue. Chris took our full tube of toothpaste with him on his business trip. That left me with stinky breath a cut up tube of toothpaste. I was LITERALLY scraping the inside for whatever I could get. Desperate. Since I have been working until at least 9:30pm every night, I just didn't have the energy to go to the store...even though a Walgreen's is literally a mile away. Mouthwash was my best friend last week :)

Friday night Jessica and I met up for a mani-date. It was much needed, but I was so exhausted I could have passed out when she started massaging my arm. 

Saturday morning I realized I had an exam due on Monday...and my only free time all weekend was Saturday morning. So, I got to spend some quality time with this cutie. He worked while I took my exam. His smile makes me melt, and it was SO good to have him back in town. I sure missed him!

And apparently Wrigley missed him too...I love my boys. Aren't they so studly? Wrigley with his GQ pose...and Chris blowing on Wrigley's face to antagonize him. Typical scene around the Tucker house.

After I finished my exam we decided to have a date at the gym. Chris hasn't worked out in over a year...and he randomly decided to start on Saturday. If you're wondering...he could barley moves his arms yesterday, and no, he did not make it back to the gym. Ha! At least he still has an amazing metabolism...

After the gym we headed back to the house and I had to do more homework and Skype with my group members about an assignment.

Finally, all my homework was done and it was time to start getting ready for our date to the Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek!! Eeeekkk, we NEVER get fancied up to go anywhere, so it was fun for us. Look at muh-mann rockin' that sports coat. Mmmmhmmmm. 

Our reservation was for 5:30pm. We were seated in the best place possible. Oh my, the view was to die for. We felt so fancy! If you are in Dallas and want to give and arm and a leg splurge for a meal we highly recommend going here!

Below is Chris's appatizer, Foie gras...aka duck liver. Ummmm, it tasted alright, but Chris wouldn't tell me what it was until after I tried it. I just about threw up when he told me. I am not a liver eater, but if I had to eat liver, this would be my choice.

Everything was presented SO nice.

Here we are enjoying another appetizer...crab wrapped in avocado. Yum! Isn't it funny how the more expensive food is, the smaller the portion is? 

I am going to write up a whole post on our wonderful experience at the Mansion, but for now, let's just skip to dessert!

This is what Chris chose for his dessert: Lemon-Blueberry Cheesecake Surprise. Holy cow, so freakin' good! That whole "shell" is colored white chocolate and completely edible. I opted for the Apple "tatin" with salted caramel ice cream...we both agreed we could have eaten a gallon of the ice cream alone. It was probably the best ice cream I have ever had.

After we ate, we were there for about two hours, we thought we might want to go see a movie and stay out "late"...then we thought "who are we kidding?!" and we headed home! Hahah! We were in bed by 8:45pm and, according to Chris, I was asleep by 8:46pm. I think the lack of sleep during the week catches up to me by the weekend. Working until 9 or 10 every night, then working on homework until around 1:00am, and repeating that process five days a week equates to pure exhaustion on the weekend!

Sunday started off with church, then off to Flower Mound to get an MRI for my neck. Remember the Jogger Egg Nogger? Ya, that "little" race cause me some major neck problems and I am finally getting it all taken care of!

Sunday afternoon I headed to work for a couple hours (blah, tax season) and then stopped off at the grocery store for some much needed groceries. We hadn't been grocery shopping since before Boston!

When I arrived home from the grocery store, this is what I saw. 

My sweet/handy husband was building me a shoe rack! I didn't even ask for this!! Thankfully he is always looking for projects and he thought it would be a nice gesture. He really scored some major hubby points for this one! He's the BEST! So so blessed to have him!

So much organization happening in my closet. I love it!

Now for another week ahead. Let's pray April comes fast. And then I graduate with my MBA in May. These next couple months can fly by if they want to :)

What did you do this weekend?! Tell me, tell me!

Happy Monday, sweets!



  1. So excited for your weekend!! It sounded amazing! Yay for shoe racks- that's so awesome! And yes on that next few months to fly by! Praying for a good week ahead:) love you!

  2. Hey, send Chris right over when he's done. That shoe rack is incredible. Brownie points! Your closet went from looking like Narnia to amazinggg! ;)

  3. Sounds like a great weekend! After our date night the other night we were in bed about 8:45 as well! HAHA! And that shoe rack! So awesome & so sweet of the hubs to randomly do that!

  4. Girl I am exhausted after reading about your weekend! That pic of Wrigley and the hubs is TOO cute!!

    You look beautiful in your date night pics!! Can the hubs come build me a shelf like that?!

  5. My last semester was a doozy too-planning a wedding to a guy who lived THREE HOURS away, working, full course load....I do NOT envy you! But that MBA is going to be SO worth it! Keep trucking!

  6. oh I remember being in school & trying to balance it with marriage... so tough. good luck girl! sounds like you're almost there?

    and kudos to your guy for that shoe rack. it's perfect.

  7. Oh my, I remember working tax seasons as an accountant! I feel for you!! You need as much sleep as you can get. :)

    Good luck with school! I finished my master's in August and it was so worth all those hours spent writing papers every week.

    That shoe rack is amazing!! I may or may not show this post to my boyfriend to encourage him to make me one too ;).

  8. Um, awesome shoe rack! :) I could use one of those!
    {Stopping by from the link up}
    Lacey @ CHARM + Sass

  9. Your weekend looks great minus the whole having to do homework and work some! Good luck these next few months. I remember the final MBA classes and all the work they required!

  10. I'm cracking up about the toothpaste because I always end up the same way with contact solution. I use every last drop and then start throwing my contacts away bc I always forget to buy some and am too lazy to leave my house! Love that shoe rack! Can you recruit him to make me one ;) Thanks for linking up doll!

  11. Thanks for connecting and joining the weekend file link up!!! It looks like you had a great weekend. Those manicures turned out lovely! I love when they massage my arm :) I'm now following your beautiful blog!

  12. I'm so glad you had a wonderful weekend! You and your hubby are way adorable. And your manicure looks fabulous! He did an awesome job on your shoe rack. I love my handy husband! (they come in "handy" don't they) ;)

    Thank you for joining my blog today too.
    New follower here as well. Nice to "meet you".

    Have a great week!
    ♥ Stephany

  13. That's def a great weekend! You and your husband are the cutest couple. And your dog? Stinkin' adorable!!

    Looks like a lovely dinner with delish food. That dessert is crazy!

    Thanks so much for linking up!!

  14. Hi there, I'm a new follower from the link ups! I LOVE the shoe rack your hubby made you! So fabulous! Happy Monday!!


  15. What a great weekend!! SO jealous of your night on Turtle Creek! I love your new shoe rack, such a crafty hubby you have!! I can't wait to plan our meeting :) We are going to have the best time!! Happy Monday friend!

  16. Man of the Year, right there!! Building you a shelf for your shoes. I think I have a crush! LOL! Kidding. So glad you two love birds had an amazing date. That place looks so fun and fancy!! Y'all are PRESH!!!!!

  17. Getting dressed up, going to a fancy dinner, and then having a shoe rack built? Much deserved for you after the week you had. :) And what a great hubby for making your weekend so perfect after a week of traveling!

  18. Don't you just love handy husbands?! That shoe rack looks awesome! Sounds like a great weekend!

  19. Aw sounds like the weekend started stressful but finished in a nice way! Love the nails :)
