Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekend Wrap: Love Bugs + Forgotten Clothes

There was a lotta lovin' happenin' this weekend!
We traveled south to the Texas Hill Country to attend a wedding and watch the baptism of sweet Abby. 
Chris adores going to my parents. He may have grown up a city boy, but he is a country boy at heart. Good thing because his wife grew up on a dirt road! Don't worry, my family has all their teeth and we do have running water. 
This is the view my parents get to wake up to everyday. Growing up I never appreciated the country. Now that I live six inches feet from my neighbors and am bound to the laws of the HOA, there are days I wish I was in the country with no rules, no neighbors, and pure silence. Then I think about Starbucks and nails salons being a five minute drive away and I realize I was meant for the city :)
The dogs love car rides. Bailey was hiding because she saw the camera. She is camera shy, majorly.
Within five minutes of being home, Chris had unloaded his guns from the car and we had target practice. Seriously, that boy loves the country. 
PS: This is literally in my back yard...
Dad gettin' a few shots in...Chris is totally like a kid in a candy store. He was not meant for the city. I would bet to say that our next house won't be on a .0000002 acre lot in a neighborhood....more like a couple acres and some place this boy can ride a four wheeler. He is dyingggg for a four wheeler. 
After our target practice it was sdown the hill to Aunt D and Uncle Randy's house. They live about 200 yards down the road from us. Aunt D cooked me a belated birthday lunch of stuffed pasta shells and strawberry cake. YUM. 
I got in some quality time with this love bug.

No one can make her smile like her brother. He has got the ability to make this little princess chuckle uncontrollably. Melt my heart. 

So now is the forgotten clothes portion of this episode.

You see, in the Tucker house I pack the clothes, Chris loads the clothes. Or in this case, fails to load the clothes. 

Packed in our bag was undies, socks, PJ's and toiletries. Period. Our hanging clothes consisted of our clothes to go to the wedding in and our church clothes. 

We were about 30 minutes from my parents and I asked Chris where he put our hanging clothes to which he replied, "We had hanging clothes?" 

Here is the conversation:

S: "Hey babe, where did you put our hanging clothes?"
C: "We had hanging clothes? I got the boots."
S: "Ummm, not funny, where is our clothes?"
C: "Please don't make me in trouble, but I seriously never saw any hanging clothes."

Long pause follow by an outburst of laughter. 

We just traveled four hours to attend a wedding and a baptism and the only clothes we had were not even appropriate enough to leave the house, much less go to a wedding!

Of course most girls would think of this as the perfect opportunity to buy a new outfit. That is kind of hard when your New Year's Resolution is to buy no clothes for the entire year!! I tried to see if this was an exception to the rule, but Chris wasn't having it. Not fair since he forgot my clothes! Totally his fault, obviously

Luckily my cousin and his girlfriend were also in town this weekend and she had a suitcase full of clothes that she let me borrow...her man didn't forget to pack her bag (cough, cough, Chris...).

My borrowed clothes consisted of this gorgeous purple blouse, statement necklace, black skinnies, and black boots. BAM. Killa outfit and none of it was even mine. 

I think God was really testing how committed to this resolution I am. I passed the test, G-man!  

Congrats to the new couple! It was the perfect day for a wedding. Absolutely gorgeous!

My days have been running together because of tax season, but it is always nice to take a moment and enjoy life. This weekend I let my brain relax, soaked up toddler time, and witnessed a couple commit their lives to one another. And I must say that I-35 treated us well. If you have ever driven from Dallas to Austin, and back, you know that the chances of that being a smooth ride are slim to none. Maybe God was rewarding me for not caving on my resolution?! Hmmm...whatever the reason, we were happy to make it home in time to enjoy the rest of our Sunday!
How was your weekend?! Did you go to a wedding? Spend time with family?
Hope you have a wonderful Monday!
Linking up with Sami's Shenanigans, Lipgloss and Crayons, Life of Meg, and Join the Gossip


  1. Wow! I can't believe you laughed when you realized there were no clothes, I'm not sure I would be so understanding. And then to not buy any clothes! You go girl! That is exactly why I always pack our clothes and pack the car...haha! I'm too much of a control freak.

  2. Wowza! That is some control! I would of had to laugh too if Matt completely forgot our clothes! Sounds like a great weekend though! We love the Texas hill country... could stay there forever & ever! Oh & high five for no problems in I35! That almost NEVER happens!

  3. I'm always terrified this is going to happen to us!!! I asked Joey 10 times on Friday before we left if he packed his suit/my dress. It's always the hanging clothes that get overlooked!

  4. Wow! I applaud your resolve. God is well pleased I am sure. That top and necklace really did make a statement. You look great!


  5. Stopping by from Mingle Monday! I love this post, I also grew up in the country and went shooting out in the backyard. I definitely agree with you though, I love the country but I belong in the city. Congrats on keeping with your resolution, I wish I could make that commitment!


  6. You are such a good wife! I think I would have done a few more things than just laugh at B if he had done this!! Good job Sarah! Great job on sticking with the resolution too!!

  7. Enjoying reading your blog from Mingle Monday! You definitely were being tested! I don't think I would've laughed, as I would be saying a few choice words. I'm proud of you for sticking to your resolution and going on with the wedding. I love the necklace!


  8. Cute kids and little pups? Aw, your household is so adorable!

    Sincerely, Sabrina

  9. Cute post!

  10. SO so glad you were able to relax a little this weekend...even with the clothes drama. You were definitely being tested but you passed with flying colors!!

  11. I go back and forth about the country vs city thing. My husband grew up in the country, me in the city. We now live miles from town (but not too far) and enjoy quiet nights and starry skies (thanks to the lack of light pollution). We will be moving next summer, likely back to city life, and although I love the creature comforts of a populated area, I feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of giving up the wonders of solitude.

  12. Oh how frustrating to find out you didn't have your clothes with you! you are stronger than me, I totally would have used that as an excuse to buy a new outfit.

  13. My husband is a wannabe country boy too! In fact, he decided that the only criteria our next house needs, is enough land to shoot his guns. He has also forgotten to pack our clothes a few times too, although I bet he did it on purpose, thinking he wouldn't have to dress up! I'm glad everything worked out for you, you look beautiful in that pic!

  14. If there is one place I have always wanted to viist its texas. and this weekend was spent seeing Swedish House Mafia Live : ) PS I have a Givaway going on, hope you’ll stop by! Knock your Socks Off Giveaway

  15. I got in some practice shots myself this weekend. So fun! Glad your clothes situation got worked out -- that's too funny! Glad I found you on Monday Morning Gossip! Have a great week!


  16. Wow that outfit looks ended up working out well! And I think it's always nice to spend time away from the city- looks like fun weekend!

  17. Stoping by from the mingle. That outfit is amazing. Love that purple

  18. I grew up in SoCal and all we have is city on top of city. We don't have backyards like this. So cool!

    That's funny that he forgot the clothes but awesome your cousin had some for you to borrow :)

    Sorry I'm so late on commenting. Thanks for linking up for Monday Morning Gossip!!
