Cool and intriguing name, right? That is how they suck you into this race. "Oh, you get an unlimited amount of Egg Nogg after the race!" Why yes, sir, Egg Nogg is all I ever dreamed of after running 9.3 miles. Ummm, not! Barf. By the way, the picture above is for giggles only. No, I will maybe only once never be caught running in a Santa Speedo.
I have told y'all before how I used to play softball in college, which equates to working out. a lot. Fast forward a couple years, and a marriage later and BAM, see ya gym! Wouldn't wanna be ya!
Yup, basically about a month before I married my Prince Charming I kicked the can on the whole working out thaang. I was too busy buying a house, planning a wedding, attending graduate school, and working 65+ hours a week as a tax accountant. Add all that up together and there was no room for the gym.
"I ain't as good as I once was...", as Toby Keith once sang, is my anthem right now. Back in tha day (as in college years) I would spend hourssss at the gym playing racquetball, ping pong, doing aerobics, and chit chatting. Hey, you can't forget about the face muscles! My roommates and I all played sports so we lived in the gym. It was our comfort zone, our happy place. I guess we were gym rats...hahah totally kidding! These days sitting at my desk for 8+ hours a day is an unwelcome change of pace from my past active lifestyle. Add a husband that eats pizza everyday and never gains a pound to the mix, and you get a body that just feels blah.
Blah. Let's break that down. I am not complaining of how I physically look. Is any woman ever completely happy with their body? No, but you must love and embrace what God gave you. I will never be a double zippo. Never ever. So that is not what my goal is. My goal is to just feel better. When someone goes from working out daily, to not working out in months...blah.
Saturday was the day we decided on this, meaning Sunday was one last day to gorge myself on leftovers from Thanksgiving and Monday started "training" day 1.
That leads me to Monday morning. I set my alarm in order to get up and go workout. I snoozed that baby for an hour! Pa-thet-ic! Omg I am embarrassed for even saying that! Ha! I laid in bed and tried to talk myself out of working out. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to going to the gym. At 7:00 AM I decided enough was enough and I was going to the gym to run two miles. No ifs ands or buts about it.
Oh. my. goodness. Why is it that on a treadmill you see the time ticking, but it seems in slow motion? I mean I swear my snooze timer is on some lightning fast timer. One second I hit snooze and beep beep beep, five seconds later it goes off again telling me my ten minutes has already passed! Liar! The treadmill timer is the complete opposite. O..n..e, t...w...o, t..h..r..e..e, and so on. Sooooo slowwww.

Here is the treadmill after my workout. Yes, I ran/power walked two miles in 23:06 minutes. Woo hoo! I didn't even die/pass out/cry-and-make-Chris-come-get-me! Maybe I felt it later when I went to work and had to walk up stairs, or maybe I felt like I was in my prime, but no one has to know that I took the stairs and cringed on every step.

Tuesday was training day 2. I was honestly just proud that I made it to the gym!! The plan was to run two miles again...but my legs felt like jell-o. I ran one mile and was perfectly happy with that. Baby steps Sarah, baby steps. (Baby steps: sign up for a 9.3 mile race after not running for months!)
Wednesday was a busy day at work, starting with an early morning tax training session. I dedicated Wednesdays as my off day. Wednesdays and
Thursday was exactly like Monday. Literally. I walked/jogged two miles in 23 minutes...whao-buddy...shaved six seconds off that baby!
If anyone wants to run the Dallas Jogger Egg Nogger 15K, it is $40 until December 4th and then goes up to $45. They also have a 5K for the
Does anyone have any advice on training for a 15K in 3 weeks?? I need some secrets, magic, and a whole lotta pixie dust to train for this race!