Wednesday, February 20, 2013

WIWW: Date Night Outfit + Link Up

Let's start by pointing out the odd color of me legs. Are they grey? Hmmm. Interesting. That's what you get for a self-timer shot. Not too bad other than that!

Can I also point out that my dress wasn't that short? This picture makes me look like I was wearing a long shirt, but I swear it was appropriate. 

Let's talk about the dress for a second. Actually, let's talk about the whole outfit. This whole outfit was provided by Jessica. We wear the same size so she has agreed to let me raid her closet anytime I want...since I can't shop and all

I have plenty of dresses to wear, but I was really craving something new. That's wear borrowing from your friend comes in handy!

And helloooo hotstuff? No I am not referring to myself (I'm not that vain...), but my handsome hubby. Owww owww! Look at him all dressed to impress. 

And since I pointed out something about me, let's pick on Chris for a moment. That poor boy...he can't remember to wear his wedding ring to save his life. I do believe he actually wore it this night, but it was definitely a last minute, "Crap! Hold on I forgot something..." He can't wear his ring when he is working, so the only time he has the opportunity to wear it is on the weekend...andddd 9 times out of 10 he always forgets it. I always joke with him that if he is rollin' single, I am too - then I start to pull my rings off. Ha!  

It was really bright, and we were running late (because of Chris, as usual....seriously) so this is our best attempt at getting WIWW shots. Even couldn't tan these legs o' mine. 

I swear one of these days I will have time to properly shoot a WIWW and work have me drained. 

And now for some Wednesday randomness...

- I think I am going to start Jamie Eason's 12-week Live Fit Trainer, Monday. Yup, that's what I think about that. Beach bod 2013 here I come!

- I really adore Amber. I know we have only met in real-life once, but she always texts me random things about her girls, or life in general, and it totally brightens my day. Taxes can really put you in a funk, so cute pictures of babies are always welcome :) 

- I got my eyebrows waxed on the 9th...11 days ago...and I am just now getting over the teenage-breakout fest that happened on my forehead. Does that ever happen to you? I think my skin may be sensitive to the wax because every time I get my eyebrows waxed I break out SO bad everywhere they wax touched my skin. It's super cute walking around with Mt. Everest parting your eyebrows. 

- Two times last week I meant to reset my alarm for a couple minutes longer (longer than my snooze..)...and both times (on two separate days) I accidentally changed the hour and not the minute! I wondered why I was waking up and it was daylight. Freak out, ready go - hair-in-pony-tail-run-around-like-a-crazy-person was in full swing. I learned my lesson. Get up when the alarm goes off, Sarah.

So, what was your Valentines Date outfit?! Have you ever changed the hour instead of the minute? Dang iPhone!

Now for the know? The party?

You know the rules. If you forgot them, they are below....just for your convenience :)

Follow Alisa and I 
Link up any outfit
Link back with the button or within your post
Meet some friends!


Linking up with Because Shanna Said So, The Pleated Poppy, Rolled Up Pretty, and Get Your Pretty On!


  1. What a beautiful couple! It's so hard to do outfit photos (I literally have to take 50 to get one or two that I like.)

    You look great! Have a wonderful Wednesday xo

  2. That dress is adorable! Such a great color blue on you! Omg, I know exactly what you are talking about when it comes to the wedding ring... we are all ready to go, alarm on the house is set, we are pulling out of the driveway and I here, "oh, crap! I forgot my wedding ring!" We are now the "always 5 min behind" couple because of it lol.

  3. Ow ow! Look at you, gorgeous girl! I'm loving that dress!

  4. omg my husband does the same with his wedding band! made me laugh! i'm going to do what you do though... and "roll single" if he is! lol. you guys make an adorable couple!! XO

  5. I have very sensitive skin too so I've never been able to get my eyebrows waxed, but 3 or so years ago I found this boutique that did threading. Its done with a piece of sewing thread and if done by someone really good it isn't that painful at all. I love it and it looks way better than waxing if you ask me because it is more precise. I'm a total advocate and get it done every 4-6 weeks!

  6. I've been getting my eyebrows waxed every 3 weeks for the past 10 years, I know, long time right? Anyway, I always breakout between my eyebrows, so she'll wax the top and bottom and then hand pluck the middle, seems to work for me. Maybe have your girl just hand pluck everything, they'll do it if you ask. I know my girl has some clients that can't use wax at all. Cute dress! I want your long legs!

  7. Love the dress, Sarah. You looked beautiful! So cool that you got to go to the Mansion...fancy schmancy!

  8. LOVE that dress!!! You look so pretty! I've actually only had my eyebrows waxed once in my life. I just pluck them now. Maybe that would help?!

  9. Could you two possibly be any cuter??? Seriously. I love your dress and those fabulous shoes. Oh and can I say la dee da, must be nice to go to The Mansion! :) Thanks so much for linking up, pretty girl.

  10. I love the idea of wearing a longsleeve dress for a date! If I had one, I would definitely be wearing it! And I always wanted a sister growing up so that I could raid her closet. My cousin and I sometimes bought tops so that we could take turns wearing them, but somehow they all ended up in her closet (permanently). Oh well.

  11. Threading is the way to go. and Im doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred... Its killing me, but awesome. I highly recommend it. Let me know how the Jamie Eason workout goes.

  12. So stinkin cute! No better bargain than free!! You and your husband look so cute together! I can't believe you wrote about getting your eyebrows waxed, that totally happens to me everytime I get them waxed too! Until I can remember to pluck on a regular basis, I get the waxed. I have the WORST unibrow ever right now! HAHA! I usually have them use the sensitive wax and that seems to help quite a bit. Thanks for continually hosting this bloggy party with me :)

  13. I love that dress! So cute! I wish I had someone around here whose closet I could raid. My best friend & I used to swap clothes but now I live in Cali & she's in South Carolina.

    Last time I went to my wax lady she tried to wax my eyebrows but the first strip left me with a lot of redness. She said it's because of the face wash I was using. If it has a lot of glyceride(?) - some chemical name - she wouldn't be able to wax without my eyebrows turning beet red. So that might be the culprit! :) I've been using a natural face wash since and when I wax it doesn't get red at all.

  14. Love that dress!


  15. Are you sure you weren't in the Miss USA pageant a few years ago?? Sweet Baby Jesus, you were on fire that night! Chris is one lucky fella!!!! Pure hotness!!!

  16. That dress looks fantastic on you. Definitely your colors! So cute!!

  17. Hіghly energetic pοst, I enjoyed that bit.
    Wіll theгe be a part 2?

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  18. Girl, the only way I can do wax on my eyebrows is if they only put the wax underneath the brow. They cannot put it above the brow or between the brows cause I break out every single time. They just have to pluck the rest. :) LOVE the dress!! The blue looks fab on you!
