Monday, February 4, 2013

Resolution Recap: January, easy peasy

If you would have told me last year that I was not going to shop for a year I would have laughed in your face. Seriously. I was a shopaholic and put way too much effort into making sure I had the latest and greatest of fashion. 

One word I learned from that: exhausting.

At work, I sit in a room with a group of guys who wouldn't notice if I wore the same outfit every single day. I am married to a Prince who could careless what I am wearing. And only I notice when I "repeat" an outfit or shirt within a certain amount of time. Re-dic-u-lous. 

I know it has only been one month on this journey, but I have seen my heart change in so many ways. 

I am labeling the month of January as "easy peasy" because, well, it was. Thanks to two different ski trips to Colorado and a trip to Boston, I had no time or energy to shop. I spent most of January on a plane, or in another state, so shopping was the last thing on my mind.

February is now here and I still have no time or energy or desire to hit the racks and spend my hard earned dough on clothes. Instead, my energy is focused on finishing my last semester of graduate school (whoot, whoot), concentrating on the busy tax season ahead, and trying to not lose my mind.

Last year at this time I was planning a wedding, buying a house, taking a full load of graduate school, and dealing with tax season....and somehow I found plenty of time to shop. I "needed" outfits for my bridal showers, and birthday parties, and yada yada yada. Looking back I realize I was using shopping as a distraction to it all. The mall was my oasis and I was addicted.

I know that this challenge will get tough. I know it is not meant for everyone. But the positive feedback and the way God is stirring in my heart only confirms that this is the best decision I could have ever made.

Things I have learned so far:
- The Aztec sweater I want/needed SO bad on December 31st is no longer on my radar. 
- Saving money for our future is better than spending it on meaningless items in the present.
- People still have their doubts and that keeps me driven.
- I have way too many clothes.
- I am less stressed worrying about keeping up with the trends and more focused on being thankful for what I already have.
- I will be rockin' the bubble necklace and colored skinnes no matter how long those trends last. No shame here.

So, here's to February, month two of the challenge. May it be as easy as January and may God continually show me how to be content with what I have.

Thanks for the constant support! Chris, and our bank account, really appreciates it! 

Here are most of my daily outfits for January. Not one top/outfit was repeated. Proof that I don't need any new clothes. Follow me on IG (@sarahtuckerup) to see what I wear each day!

Come back every Tuesday for my weekly "Tune Up" on what outfits I have worn!



  1. I have to admit!I couldn't do it! But I also rarely shop as it is, which is so hard! I used to spend all of my money shopping and now i just get stuff when I need something. The difference a few years makes... lol

  2. So glad that January went smoothly for you! You had tons of variety in your outfits throughout the month, too!

  3. You are pretty much a rockstar. Quite a fashionable one, too:)

  4. Congrats lady!!! That is so awesome!!! You can rock February just like you did January!

  5. This is so awesome!!! I didn't take the official challenge, but I don't think I bought any clothes in January!! You are in the back of my mind when I go into a store, i think. And certainly when I walk in my over-stuffed closet!! We'll hang out in our colored skinnies and statement necklaces together! :)

  6. I'm glad to hear I am not the only one with clothing repeat OCD. "I wore that sweater two weeks ago and it's kind of memorable. But wait! I wore it on a Tuesday so my Wednesday class hasn't seen it." Ridiculous is right. Aside from a plain white tee, I haven't purchased any new clothing this year, either. I didn't intend to abstain from shopping, but a big purge of our house was a wake up call as to how much 'stuff' we had. I am a much more conscious shopper as a result. Good luck on your journey...I look forward to seeing how it progresses.

  7. That is such a great resolution, it definitely helps keep things in perspective. I'm lucky my husband doesn't seem to notice the same pair of yoga pants I rock everyday. I needed to read this. It helps keep me focused on our bigger family goals, and not the pair of baby uggs I've been drooling over.

    1. Thank you! Ohhhh baby Uggs are so tempting...but you can stay strong :)

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  8. I have said it are an inspiration and know that you can do anything your set your mind to! I am proud of you and God is definitely working in this whole resolution. Keep it up...I have faith in you! Way to keep it real!!

  9. I am so impressed Sarah! You are truly an inspiration and honestly made me rethink my spending too! I haven't bought 1 piece of clothing in January either! I completely agree and know that we spend too much time and money on shopping (although a lot of fun at times) is truly exhausting!! Keep up the awesome work!! Loving the outfit posts too!

  10. Your resolution inspired me to declare the month of February, "Frugal February." I am not sure I could go a full year, but I am excited to save money and take it one month at a time. I think it is so cool that you are doing for a whole year.

    My challenge is I want to shop in order to prepare for trips. I have a lot of travel planned for my year, so I am hoping to hold back and not shop quite as much. I will use your blog as inspiration! Thank YOU!

    1. Thank YOU for your encouraging words! Yay for Frugal February! Baby steps...a full year is not for everyone, especially when you are planning to be traveling. I tried the whole "no shopping for a month thing" and I failed...stay strong and it can be done! Baby steps and it will all work out :)

      Keep coming back and I'll be sure to keep you motivated!

      Have a wonderful day!

  11. loooooooove clothes! you have great style!!! i was laughing - because i can totally relate to this. i am a recovering shopoholic too! oh man. just learning to let go - and LIVE! loving your space here!!! yea... i'm your newest follower :-)

  12. I am with Joy - you have inspired me to not shop for clothes all month - and that will be so hard because I have a part time job at LOFT just for the clothes! Wish me luck!

    1. Thanks you! Oh girlll, you can do it! If I can do it, YOU can! YOU can! I promise! Thanks SO much for your encouragement! Shoot me an email if you ever need a little reminder to get back on track ;)

  13. Saw your blog on the #yolomonday link-up. Such a great challenge! I should start one like that as I am trying to save my money to plan for my upcoming wedding and need to stop spending on things I don't need.

    1. You are in the same position as I was last year...I used shopping to "distract" me from wedding planning and stress. YOU CAN DO IT! Baby steps is the key :)

      So happy you stopped by!

  14. I seriously admire your strength! This is a resolution that inspires all. :) Hope you had a fantastic weekend!

  15. Congratulations on one month!! God is faithful to give us strength when we follow him, as it looks like you can attest! :)

  16. wow that is soooo awesome!! congrats on one month! I love how it is making you a stronger happier person, that is amazing!

  17. Look at you go! One month down and you are rocking it and going strong!! So proud of you!!

  18. I think you are AMAAAAZINGGGGGGGGGGGG :) :) Keeping up with your journey!

  19. LOL loving the e-card..story of my life! :P
