Hospital Bag Recommendations + Our Weekend

Monday, February 29, 2016

This weekend was so full and fun! 

Friday after school I got home and opened the mail and look what welcomed me! A fresh faced Chris reppin' the front of the alumni game flyer. Bringing it back all the way to 2006! He was cute then, but I'm a biggg fan of the beard :)

Saturday my dad, Chris, and I went to brunch on the McKinney square. After we had fully bellies, I headed to my friend Kim's baby shower (pictured at the top). She is due with a baby girl four days after me! There are so, so many girls being born. Graham is going to have no problem finding a date that we approve of, haha!

After the shower I headed to Buy Buy Baby to get the final things for G before he arrives in a little over five, FIVE weeks or less. When I got home I was in full on nesting mode and Chris and I were able to start hanging things in his nursery. 

How cute are these Honest Co. diapers?! Seriously!

I'd be lying if I didn't say I might have walked/done too much Saturday. I was really pooped when I got home mid-afternoon. I ended up going to sleep at 8:30pm and not waking up until almost 9:00am Sunday morning. 

Sunday was a productive day. We worked more on the nursery and I started doing baby laundry. We had to go get Chris's iphone screen fixed at the Apple store, and I ended up with a new phone while we were at the mall!

I also got the final things I need (I think) for the hospital stay and am taking recommendations on what I really NEED while there. I've read so many "What to pack in your hospital bag" posts that I think I might be throwing in the towel and going with the "we live five minutes away from the hospital" method. So many opinions and "must haves!"

But, I still would love to hear what you all recommend!

This week is the week before Spring Break, so that is my motivation to be excited all week long! Happy Monday!

WIWW: Bumpdate + Link Up!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

How far along: 33 weeks + five days

Baby size: A honeydew melon! 19+ inches and 4.5 pounds!

Sleep: By the end of each day I can hardly keep my eyes open. I've even been having to DVR The Bachelor because I can't stay awake through the whole thing! I fall asleep within minutes of laying my head down and don't wake up until I have to pee, then I can fall right back asleep.

Belly button: Same as last week...Still in some days and flat the others. It has yet to fully pop and I'm still as terrified as ever!

Maternity clothes: If the weather keeps it up in the 70's like it has lately, I am going to be out of luck. Most of my maternity clothes are for the winter, but I think I'll be able to manage for six more weeks. I don't want to buy anymore maternity clothes at this point.

Movement: I have a feeling Graham is going to be a ball full of energy like his daddy. This little guy loves chocolate and apples. The foot in the rib is a constant reminder that he is getting bigger and the doctor confirmed on Monday that he is still head down. He gets the hiccups all the time and I can feel them down in my 'area', so I figured he was still head down! 

Cravings: No major cravings lately! Although we did have McDonald's after church on Sunday...and it was delicious.

Symptoms: The hip pain when I wake up at night is still there in full force. It is brutal, but I know I've really gotten off easy with this little guy, so I try to not complain. I've been having some major hot flashes that my kiddos get a kick out of. It just hits and I have to go stand outside for a minute. 

Wedding rings: I officially cannot get my rings over my knuckle. My fingers aren't even swollen, but it is like my joints grew. I hope they go back to their normal size because I don't want to get all three of my rings resized!

Looking forward to: Him getting here! His room isn't done and we don't even have everything we need, but I am getting anxious to meet him! 

Nursery progress: We got his recliner in last Monday, did some rearranging, and now we are just figuring out where we want all the decorations. I've been organizing everything we've gotten at our showers and I really hope to just make a little progress each night. It is all coming together and I can't wait to have a baby to complete the space!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here. 

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Post-baby Style || Suggestions Wanted

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Let me start by saying that I've loved being pregnant! With that said, I'm getting to the really ready to meet my little guy point and my assortment of clothes is running low. Add in the out of season temps that have been happening in Texas and my wardrobe is confused.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't dreaming about what I'll wear after Graham is here. Since we will be welcoming summer soon after his arrival, I put together my summer inspiration of how my post-baby style will be.

Starting at the top left and going clockwise:

- Button down dresses: Hello? It's me. The most practical and wonderful dresses on the planet. Perfect for the nursing mom who wold rather not show off the post-baby body in skin tight anything.

- Stud earrings: I've babysat too many times to know that anything other than a stud should be deemed "before baby." I'm not all into the child ripping on my earrings and jewelry, so thankfully my stud stockpile is already pretty hefty.

- Nursing bras: Not that anyone will know what undergarment I'm wearing, but I figured I'd add these to the list since they will become a staple in my new wardrobe.

- One-piece swimsuits: I'm not saying I won't ever try to fit into a two-piece again, but since I'll be birthing a child in April, I'm not sure this summer is my year to rock the two-piece. Luckily most of the one-pieces are just as cute, if not cuter, than a lot of two-pieces!

- Flip-flops: I can imagine I won't have time to tie my own shoes with a newborn, so I'll make it easy on myself and invest in some cute and comfy flip-flops. I love the rose gold ones!

- A giant beach bag: Even when you're not headed to the beach, a beach bag is a must in Texas during the summer because you never know when you'll end up at a pool. This year I have a feeling my beach bag will look a little different than ever before :) Little swim diapers make me swoon.

- Button down pajamas: All I've heard is that button downs are the way to go to ensure it is easy for you to feed at anytime during the night. I've always been a t-shirt sleeper, so I'm excited to feel all grown up with me real pj's.

All you moms out there...what other post-baby suggestions do you have?

Happy Tuesday!

Baby Shower || Brunch + Buffalo Check

Monday, February 22, 2016

On Saturday we had our McKinney shower hosted by four of my best friends. I remember talking with them about my idea and now the most perfect baby shower for Graham and I has come and gone.

The shower was at my house which was the best idea ever. I didn't have to travel anywhere and we didn't have to haul a ton of presents around everywhere. It was great! 

The girls went with a buffalo check theme and they nailed it! Seriously, it was so adorable! The shower started at 10:00am, so there was a brunch bar full of donuts, a casserole, pigs in a blanket, fruit, s'mores on a stick, and more donuts.

The non-pregnant ladies enjoyed mimosas, while us pregnant people got to enjoy hot chocolate with lots of fun toppings. 

Can we gush over that cake for a minute? I wish it wasn't edible, so I could have put it in Graham's room somewhere! It was so adorable, and tasted SO good!

My best friend made that banner! Isn't is perfect? She is the most NON-crafty person on the planet, so we were all a little shocked at how great it turned out. She said she'll be opening an Etsy business, but she can only take one order per year because that's how long it took her to complete this, hahha!

Both of our showers are now done, so the prepping has already started. Saturday after the shower I rested and then headed to Buy Buy Baby to get some things with gift cards. I then came home and proceeded to nest and nest and nest until almost midnight! I can't wait to get everything all put together!

Happy Monday!

Finally Friday + Things I'm Loving

Friday, February 19, 2016

Just some pictures to celebrate 33 weeks today!

I have so many random thoughts that all I could think to title this post was "Finally Friday," because that is how I feel. Finally it is Friday...I'm not sure I can last one more day.

It seems as the more pregnant I get, the more sleep I need. 7:30pm hits and it takes everything in me to not crawl in bed. Nesting has hit and Chris and I have been so diligent about putting the finishing touches on our kitchen. I am in cabinet clean out mode and donating everything in sight.

We got our house deep cleaned on Wednesday and have sent the dogs away to my in-laws for the week. My shower on Saturday is at our house, so I didn't want them to clean and then puppy hair be everywhere. I can't tell you how much of a relief it is to come home to a sparkling house. They cleaned from top to bottom and I feel like we live in a whole new house!

Graham's room is almost done! I finally found the spot I want the recliner/glider to live and my aunt is finishing up lining his curtains. I know where I want to hang things on the walls, so now it is just a matter of us finding the time to finish it up!

On another note, here are some things I'm loving!!

- The Yeti tumbler. I know that is a lot to spend on a cup (we got ours for Christmas!), but I have to have ice in my drink and this cup keeps my water cold!! With teaching, I don't have the luxury to just hop up and go get ice when I want to, so I love being able to just keep water bottles at my desk to refill my cup...which has ice in it all day!

- My Converse sneakers. My feet have been killing me lately! I am down to only a few pairs of shoes that I can tolerate all day and my Converse are one. I was not a fan of them for years, but after having them for over a year now, I am on the Converse wagon!

- Maternity leggings. I am so thankful these are acceptable to wear while pregnant because I'm not sure I'd be able to survive without them. Everyday I wear a pair of leggings and a long tunic. Lately it has been really hot here in Texas, so I switch between my thin and thick leggings.

- The Matchmaker. I read this book a couple weeks ago and I cried at the end. Elin is my favorite author for a number of reasons, but mostly because I can't put her books down! SO good!

- Nexgen nails. For the last couple months I've been getting my nails done on a regular basis. I have been getting the Nexgen powder and I love it. Something about looking like a wreck, but having your nails done makes everything seem not so thrown together.

- My Tory Burch purse. For so long (10 years!) I carried my LV Speedy 35. As much as I adore that bag, it is like a black hole. Everything got lost inside and it was like a scavenger hunt looking for what you needed! With my new Tory bag I decided to get one with more pockets and compartments and it has been great. No more hide and seek with my belongings!

Have a great weekend!

Life Lately

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

With seven weeks before Graham is due, we have been busy, busy!

At almost 8 months pregnant we decided to renovate our kitchen! Chris worked his booty off and I can't wait to put the finishing touches on it to show y'all. 

Last weekend we had our first shower in my hometown. It was so fun to see people I've known my whole life come to celebrate Graham! When I find the energy, I will post some pictures!

On top of living with no kitchen, baby showers, and entering nesting mode, Sunday I got some 24 hour bug and felt pretty terrible all day. On the way back from Austin (to Dallas), my best friend had to pull the car over so I could throw up. It was not fun. All day I felt pretty crummy and that crummy feeling carried over to Monday.

Now that I am over that, I've been welcomed with the sinus infection bug. Yay! I've been managing with the few meds I can take, so fingers crossed it gets better in time for our second shower on Saturday.

I'm hoping to do a bumpdate Friday because a lot has changed in the last week. Read: HIP PAIN. Oh my gosh, some days I can hardly walk!!

Until then, I better get back to nesting :)

New Glasses + 32 Weeks!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Happy Friday! Today I am 32 weeks pregnant and the fact that this little guy's due date is 8 short weeks away blows my mind. Wasn't I just 8 weeks pregnant?! You can read about how I'm feeling here

Today I'm showing off my new glasses! Firmoo has been a favorite of mine for for years now. They have super affordable, stylish, and durable glasses. This is my third pair...thanks to an ever worsening prescription. 

With the Texas allergy season upon us, my contacts are only worn a couple days a week. Luckily these glasses match almost everything and are really comfortable. They don't slip down my nose which is the most annoying thing about wearing glasses.  

I picked this style because I liked that they had metal arms (is that what you call the sides of glasses?) as opposed to plastic. The metal feels more secure than all plastic frames, but I still get the tortoise shell frame, which I love!

For all new customers you can get 15% off! The process is so easy. I just scan in my glasses prescription from my eye doctor and attach the file to the appropriate section when ordering and bam, done!

Have a wonderful weekend!

WIWW: Bumpdate + Link Up

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I just wanted to start by saying thank to everyone who links up! Although I would love to read and respond to each link, reality is that 24 kiddos demand my attention all day, and by night I'm pooped! I do manage to read a majority of the links randomly on the weekends and while in bed, so I appreciate everyone linking up!

Now let's talk about this baby of mine! We are no longer in the double digit week countdown! Graham's due date is April 8th and the suspense of when he will actually arrive is so exciting! 

How far along: 31 weeks + five days

Baby size: A coconut! 18+ inches and 3.5 pounds!

Sleep: It still takes me about 30 seconds to fall into a deep sleep. I usually have to get up one, maybe two times a night, but I am always able to fall back asleep super quickly! Sleep is such a glorious thing that I'm cherishing!

Belly button: Still in some days and flat the others. It has yet to pop and I'm still as terrified as ever!

Maternity clothes: I found the most amazing leggings over the weekend! I went to Motherhood Maternity for the first time and was pretty underwhelmed, but the leggings were on sale. I ended up getting three pairs. The faux leather ones I'm wearing above are from there. They are Jessica Simpson and the most comfortable leggings ever! I can't find them online :( Chris called them my sassy pants.

A lot of my tops are still working. The sweater above is nonmaternity. I have always worn loose fitting tops, so I'm not surprised I'm able to wear a lot of them still.

Movement: Movement is an understatement. This boy is crazy! He gets the hiccups all. the. time. He is definitely head down still because I can feel the hiccups in my down-stairs-area, if you know what I mean!

Cravings: The pancake craving has subsided a bit. I have been loving strawberries and orange juice and I can't get enough of this breakfast.

Symptoms: Other than my feet hurting, things have been good! I've been having a few contractions here and there. Some Braxton Hicks and some are back labor pains. Luckily, when I lay down they go away. I've been sitting at school ALL day and I'm taking it easy at home. 

Wedding rings: I can get them on, but if I swell at some point during the day (too many chips...) I start to freak out (internally) if I can't get them off. Like, I CANNOT concentrate on anything other than getting my rings off. Every weekend when we are at church the same thing happens. I have them on, but at some point during the service I get really hot and I start freaking out (once again, internally) because I feel so claustrophobic when I can't get them off. So, with all that said, sometimes they are on, sometimes they are off!

Looking forward to: Our first shower this weekend! I am so excited! I remember our wedding felt more real once we had our showers. It feels real we are having a baby, because, hello, he won't stop moving, but I think the showers make it more real.

Nursery progress: We are waiting on his glider and my aunt is altering the curtains this weekend, so hopefully next week we can get some things on the walls. I wanted to wait to see what we got from our showers in case we wanted to move anything around. 

Friday marks 32 weeks and last Monday was the two month countdown. Eeeekkk!!! Such a blessing!

Happy Wednesday!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here. 

Master Bedroom || New Bed Frame

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

I've accepted that I am just one of those people whose house is constantly evolving. Right when I think a room is done, I change it up.

Our bedroom has changed three times in the two years we've lived in this house.

The most recent change had to happen because we upgraded to a king bed from a queen. That meant we needed a whole new bed frame. We didn't just want a headboard, so I stalked the internet for months trying to find a bed we both liked.

Our only request was that it did not have upholstered sides. Bailey and Wrigley like to lay up against our bed and it always made our bed skirt so dingy, even if they were squeaky clean. I didn't want our bed to start looking dingy because of them laying next to it, so finding an upholstered headboard without upholstered sides was tricky.

Luckily we found one we both loved. It must be really popular because it was back-ordered for over a month, but we weren't really in a rush.

We went with the Whitten Bed from Wayfair. Y'all, we LOVE it! The "wood" is actually metal which makes it seem more durable. The color is perfect for the look we are going for and the headboard fabric is not too beige and not too white.

The assembly was really easy. Chris did it all himself and would let me lift a finger.

This room still has a long ways to go, but I am learning not to impulse buy just to fill space, and instead wait to find something I truly love.

On our queen bed we had the euro pillows and tons of decorative pillows. It was always such a pain when we wanted to go to bed. Where do we put 14 extra pillows?! They would always pile up on our window seat or get stacked in a corner. For this bed, I am thinking less is more.

First we had carpet, white lamps, and the bed was on the opposite wall that it is now.

Then we swapped out the lamps and made a wooden decorative piece for over the bed.

Then we got new floors and decided we wanted to bed on the opposite wall. 

 Now we have a new bed and mattress and no full bedding set, so who knows what will come next!