Wednesday, July 8, 2015

WIWW: The best dress + Link Up

This dress. Put it in the category of best summer dress ever. I've worn it at least six times in two weeks. One night Chris and I were running out the door to a poker game for his work and I wanted him to snap some pictures, since it is rare to find me dressed up these days. We were already running late, but, you know, blogger problems.

This is how our conversation went:

Sarah: "Hurry and take the pictures!"

Chris: "I don't like how the grass looks in the background..."
Sarah: "Seriously?"

Sarah: "Okay, let's just go..."
Chris: keeps clicking

Chris: "Hold on..."
Sarah: "For real?"

Chris: "Okay, we've got to go!"
Sarah: annnddd smile

This dress will be making a proper appearance on the blog very soon, but it's on sale for under $20, so I wanted to get the message out there today!

Okay, that was a lie. I have no other pictures to post because all weekend I was working (hard for the money, jk).

But, in all honesty, this dress rocks.

One more thing...Nordstrom is having their anniversary sale starting July 9th for card members! And for us common folk, we can start shopping July 17th. Oh the struggle of waiting!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.


  1. Love it Sarah! Classy, cool and perfect on you!!!

  2. Love this dress! I totally get that conversation taking the outfit pics. Hilarious, but we want good pics!! :) Happy summer!

  3. Haha, I love this, sort of sounds like me and hubby when he's taking my picture. Love that you still posted the picture too. And yes to having to wait for the Nordies sale. I keep telling myself, I'd just buy more if I was in on it from the get's best to have to wait, then I might not spend as much. At least that's what i keep telling myself.

  4. This post is great!! LOL I am going to check out this dress!! Love the wedges too!!

  5. Your commentary cracks me up! I saw this dress last week when I was about to check out and didn't have time to try it on. So cute!

  6. Love this dress Sarah and loved laughing at your humor, my friend.

    Hope Summer is going well. <3 Ada.

  7. Your story is so funny! And it sounds very familiar to most of my fashion shoots with my husband as well! Hysterical! Love the dress!

  8. So funny! Love the conversation. That's how it goes sometimes! The struggle to get good pictures. hehe
    The dress is adorable though!

  9. Hahaha! But seriously, #bloggerproblems. This is dress is adorable on you!

  10. Damn girl, you look GREAT! I need to check that dress out. I just bought a shift from Old Navy that I'm DYING to get in the mail because it seems like the perfect breezy summer dress.

  11. Hilarious!! anytime I ask my husband to take pictures the exact same thing happens :)

  12. haha love the commentary along with the photos! I often had that struggle when I asked hubby to take photos for the blog for me. It's much easier now I have a tripod and a remote so I can take them myself. Doesn't help me with time management though, I'm often still running late! ha!

    Thank you for joining the Wednesday Pants Link Up I co-hosted!

    Away From The Blue

    1. Hahah! Usually we are good about the timing, but that night we were on different pages. Oops!! It all worked out :) After all, they're just pictures, right?

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