Friday, July 17, 2015

Tucker Travels || Freeport, Bahamas

Our second port on our cruise was Freeport, Bahamas. I think everyone has this fairy-tale of what the Bahamas are going to be like. Whatever your fairy-tale may be, I'm glad to show you what we did while we were there for a day.

To be honest, this was our least favorite port. The port is super ugly, the island is not very pretty, and I'm not exactly sure there is much else to do than go to the beach...and we are the type of people that need something else to do.

When we got off the ship we shopped around the huts right by the ship. We danced with the locals, bought some souvenirs, and waiting for our excursion bus to take us snorkeling.

As we drove from one end of the island to the other, the views did not improve. It was not until we actually got out on the water and headed out to sea that I saw the beauty of this island. 

Snorkeling was fun, but another one of those bucket list items that I'm not dying to do again. Being claustrophobic, I feel like I can't breathe with a snorkel in, so I just use the goggles. 

At the end of the snorkel trip we were all pooped from being in the sun. We headed back to the ship and said goodbye to Freeport...probably to never return again.

Another place checked off the list! Last up, Nassau and Atlantis!

Happy Friday!


  1. I have an annual trip to the Bahamas and its this September. We get a private island for a week and a couple of extra days at Atlantis! I'm so excited! (I'm no-reply, so if you wanna reply my email is

  2. We are eyeing the bahamas for a trip soon - we thought about doing the cruise thing but I think we'd be bored on the ship and feel like we don't have freedom. But as I keep seeing people post about it, I could be wrong.
