Wednesday, March 18, 2015

WIWW: Blog Famous + Link Up

And a blooper:

Blogging is so funny. When I started blogging a couple years ago I had no intentions of...well anything really. I did it to keep my Mom from calling me every five minutes to see how life was. It still sort of makes me cringe inside when people talk about my blog in front of me. Yes I am 100% authentic on here, but it still is a little strange.

Plus, if you're like me, you never expect someone to recognize you while out in public. My blog isn't that popular, so I go on about my business like a normal, non-famous blogger should.

That isn't the case for my husband or brother. You see, they don't have blogs, but both have been recognized from my blog. They are blog famous, hahha!

The first occurrence came when a local blogger saw Chris at some basketball courts. This field house has tons of courts and that is where her son plays and where Chris plays for his work's team. She contacted me and said she thought she saw Chris and I confirmed that, indeed, she has spotted the beast. Hi, Kristel!

My brother, who lives down in the Texas Hill Country, is a sports radio broadcaster for a local station down there. He calls me up one day, dying laughing and sounding like he has the craziest news ever and says, "You will never believe what just happened. Okay, so I am setting up my equipment to broadcast this game and this girl comes up to me and asks if I am Sarah Tucker's brother. She said she loves you and follows your blog and that she recognized me from your pictures." I asked him what she looked like and what her name was, but in true male fashion, he couldn't recall anything, so, to whomever you were, hello!

Then, just last night, Chris calls me on his way from work and says that he was talking to a girl at his work today (she works in a totally different department, so he has never officially met her) and she said, "I think I follow your wife on instagram..." After some chit-chatting it was confirmed that she does follow me and recognized Chris from my pictures. Hi, Claudia!

After these sightings, I think it is safe to say that the real stars of the show here are these two men. Them - 3. Me - 0.

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.


  1. Oh those are funny stories! What the world of blogging does to people :)

  2. That's hilarious. So not fair on you but hilarious none the less lol. I'm hosing a link up this week. Stop by if you get the chance.

  3. Those polka dots are wonderful! Seriously! Hahaha! How funny about your brother and husband being recognized? That's awesome.

  4. Hahahaha! This is so awesome. :)

  5. It was me who recognized your brother at the basketball game! Ha! Creeper alert... hope I didn't freak him out too much! Ohh man, blogging is a strange world :) this gave me a really good laugh today, so thanks!

  6. haha, so funny! Blog famous for sure.

  7. So cute! Love your look!

    God bless,
    XO, Claire

  8. That's quite funny! I don't know how I'd reacte to something like that...probably incredulousness that a real, live person reads my blog enough to recognize anyone from it at all xD
