Tuesday, March 31, 2015

An A-Door-ing Install

Anyone who has been around this blog for a hot second knows that Wrigley and Bailey are our world. We are currently child-less adults whose lives revolve around two mutts, literally. In Chris's words, "We're DINKS, dude." (Double Income, No Kids)

Wrigley loves basking in the sun and would stay outside all day if we let him (he barks...and we don't want to be the annoying neighbors), but Bailey would rather never have to go outside. She doesn't like getting her feet dirty and hates being hot.

That leads me to my point of needing a doggy door. Wrigley will "talk" to you until you let him out. You let him out and all he does is lay by the back door waiting for Bailey to come out. Then you have to get up and let Bailey out, only to see her by the door five minutes later because she is too hot.

To end this never ending cycle of inside-outside, we decided to get a doggy door.

Saturday we headed to a local surplus store where we bought a new door. Then we headed to Home Depot to buy the biggest doggy door they had. Several hundred dollars later we were back home to install our new door and doggy door and be done with the 1st world problem of having to let your dogs out.

That all was until we realized the door did not match up with our existing door. The only way for it to work was to rip out the entire door frame. After watching a few YouTube videos, we quickly realized we weren't willing to go to that length to get the dogs a door, so we decided to head back to Home Depot to see if they had any other options.

While browsing the door aisle I spotted this storm door with an extra large doggy door already installed. We were sold. We loaded it up, went home, and installed it until dark Saturday night. 

Sunday we went to church then returned everything we had bought the previous day. Although it is not the prettiest door you've ever seen, it has already proven to be the best investment yet. The dogs have had a doggy door before, so it didn't take them long to catch on. It is so nice to wake up and just let them come in and out as they please. We keep them inside all day, then when we get home, we open it up and they can go in and out. Wrigley has almost worn the door out in the four days we've had it!

I am loving not having to get up and let them in and out and they are loving the freedom of going about as they please!

To entice them at first, we bribed them with these Orijen dog treats from Chewy.com. Of course they wanted to go in and out knowing they were going to get a treat! At least the treats are good for them!

Be sure to check out yesterday's post where I showed you our updated front door! Last weekend was all about doors in the Tucker house!


  1. fun for the dogs and practical for you. Win-win :)

  2. We use the word DINKS too! hahaha This is the perfect option for them and I am so glad they like it. Bella only wants to be outside if we are...even when she has to go outside to do her business, we have to stand outside with her or she will follow us right back to the door and not go (insert large eye emoji) we created a needy fur child lol

  3. Love Wrigs slapping Bailey in the face. :) How do you keep them from going out and back in when it's muddy or rainy? That would be my nightmare!

  4. Last fall I attended my school reunion. I was chatting with a guy who is roommates with another guy we both graduated with. He was telling me that since they are 'DINKS' they have paid off both of their cards, go on vacation twice a year and still have money left over to treat their girlfriends each month. I swore he made that term up since he's kind of 'that' guy anyways so to hear that your husband says it made me laugh out loud! (Of course you two are married, and these guys are roommates? Who share income? and not with their girlfriends? ) Meanwhile I'm super jealous of your doggy door especially since I've also got a furry kid, who mind as well be a toddler. :) Hope all is well!

  5. So cute! I love our doggy door! Both of our pets use it and my son definitely tries too ;)

  6. Those little dogie doors are really something. Now my little guy goes in the yard when he wants, and the messes in the house have disappeared. If he has to go to the bathroom and we are all too busy, he simply lets himself out to take care of his business and never has to hold it or worry again.

    Giovanni @ Coastal Contract Hardware
