Monday, March 9, 2015

Vintage Loot Market

This weekend we took it easy. Saturday we didn't get out of our pajamas intil 3:00pm and that was to go to the gym. The later that evening we went to our friend's gender reveal!

Sunday we went to church then I went in to Dallas to go brunch and to the Vintage Loot Market with one of  my best friends. I got some adorable vintage books that I will show you later this week.

When I got home from the market mid-afternoon, I put on my pajamas and Chris and I vegged the rest of the day.

This week is my Spring Break! I can't believe we are almost done with the school year. I am planning on taking this week to catch up with friends and organize some things around the house.

Happy Monday!


  1. I need to know more about this vintage loot market!! Is worth me driving all the way from FW!?

  2. Omgsh I can't believe its spring break already--this whole year has just flown by!!! I can't wait to see what you got at the vintage market :)


  3. Being lazy and in pjs must have been the theme this weekend for most people - we didn't get our of ours until 12 and that was only to go look at a house, ha!

  4. Enjoy your spring break! You deserve it. :) It sounds like you had a relaxing weekend!

  5. I've never heard of this market! I must check this out soon. Can't wait to see your vintage books.

  6. I really wanted to go to the Loot Market, but didn't seem much fun to take a 5 year old boy. ;)

  7. Whooo for Spring break! Can't wait to see your vintage fun :)
