Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pinterest Told Me To...

Pinterest told me what to cook last night and what to wear today! Thank ya, Pinterest!

Have you ever seen Sheaffer's adorable blog conveniently titled Pinterest Told Me To? Go check it out already if you haven't! What are you waiting on!!? She has reminded me, daily, of the steps to getting ready in the morning. Wake up. Look at Pinterest for outfit inspiration. Get ready. And that is exactly what I did this morning.

This was one of those mornings where I just could not decide what to wear. After about five minutes I realized that Pinterest was there to save the day. I promptly ran and got my phone and scrolled through my hundreds on pinned outfits and one hit the spot.

I was going for a more casual look today, so jeans were definitely in the question, but boots were out due to the forecasted temperatures of 80 degrees ( this is my silently crying...).

Here is my outfit inspiration from Pinterest:

Here is what I came up with:

Yay for super quality photos, not, but you get the gist. I had all the components of this Pinterest inspired outfit except a bright scarf. That is now on my weekend grocery shopping list. I love these turquoise earrings, and my leopard flats are from Target. They take some time to break in, and a few hundred blisters, but after you get passed that point they are adorable.

Tomorrow I will tell you what Pinterest told me to cook...and it was yummy!

Linking up with Keep Calm and Carry On and Beautiful Mess!


  1. ummmm. hahaha I actually am writing about her too, for a post I'm doing tomorrow. and I wanted to link your diy table, also. I'll just make it McKinney themed;)

  2. and I almost forgot, good job. I love the scarf. I love anything Navy.

  3. YAY! Seriously. What in the world did we eat and wear before Pinterest? Thanks for the shout out Sarah!

  4. Cute!! And I love that you add items to your grocery list the way I do. Nail polish is ALWAYS on my list. Right next to the yogurt and behind the cereal.

    1. Thank you :) Isn't that the best way to keep a grocery list?!? We are always prepared in case we have to go "grocery" shopping! Oh nail polish is a least I have to skim that area justtt in case I don't have a color. Plus, Chris always falls for it because I tell him I could just go get a manicure for 5x the price of a bottle of polish ;)

  5. What a great idea! I pin some cute outfits but never go back and look at them. I'm going to pin more and follow your system! Your outfit turned out cute...and comfy!

  6. Found your blog from the link up that Becky had and saw this post and knew I had to comment - I have those flats in brown and turquoise and I laughed out loud with your blisters comment - They really do take a few weeks to break in! I'm excited to read more of your DIY projects!

  7. Woo hoo! Love your fashion outfit! Creating outfits from Pinterest are the best..and the worst b/c you feel like you need everything you see! ;)

    Thank you for linking up with us!!
