Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 6 - What I am Thankful For: My Mom

I mentioned my Dad in this post, but this one is fully dedicated to my Mom.

She is the type of lady that once you meet her, you will never forget her. She is so fun and full of life, and has always been there for me, my brother, and my Dad no matter what. She loves the Lord and gardening. Oh and don't forget Food Network and HGTV.

She is a ball of energy and is constantly on the go. She is so forgiving and loving in good times and bad.

Last weekend when we went to Market Days we hadn't been there for two minutes (literally) and people we already coming up to her saying how good it was to see her. The woman knows everyone. No exaggeration.

I will never forget one time when my Dad, brother, and I were in Austin shopping at the mall and my Dad was wearing a Blanco Panthers hat and a woman walked up to us and said, "I know one lady from that town, her name is Mary Jo. Do you know her?" We all started giggling and told that woman we know her all too well. No matter where we go, MJ is always there :)

This post is for you, Mom. You're the best and I am so thankful God chose you (and Dad!) to be my parents! Love you, and your constant laughter!


  1. Oh sweet Sarah, your momma is the best! I love her & hug her nearly every day. We're all blessed she's in our lives. She is so proud of you & Chris. Take care!! XOXOX Cat
