Monday, November 5, 2012

DIY - Chair, and a Cushion Upgrade for $10

Have you ever been in search of something, but your millions budget gets in the way?! Welcome to my life! Chris and I have this little waste of space office nook thing in our house and our normal office chair does not fit under the desk, so it constantly sticks out in the hallway. Annoying. I have been in search of the perfect chair, but am not willing to fork over 100 dollas for a chair that doesn't get much use.

Last weekend, while visiting my parents in the Hill Country, my Mom and I headed to Wimberley Market Days for some shopping fun. Market Days is similar to Canton, but not quite as big. I told my Mom to keep her eyes peeled for a little chair for my nook.

She has that "Mom eye" you know what that is? I have yet to gain that trait because I am not a Mom, yet, but one day I will have the powers to spot/find/fix anything my child asks. I remember searching long and hard for things that "are nowhere to be found, Mom!" and then, like magic, my Mom finds it. Exciting and frustrating all at the same time. I guess my time will come.

Anyways, I told her I was looking for a chair and what do ya know? She found one. And not just one, because there were hundreds, but she found the one. Go figure! She spotted a little wooden chair for eight dollars!! I was in shock because we had seen numerous chairs veryyy similar and they were at least $40 because they were "antique."

As if the chair wasn't a jackpot already, I spotted a cut of fabric for TWO dollars. It was a match made in flea market heaven. The lady at the fabric booth was selling her scrap cuts of fabric for dirt cheap and I scooped up the perfect print.

Sunday we packed up and headed back to Dallas. Chris made a comment or two about "bringing the entire flea market back with us." I didn't buy that much, but I did purchase some items that will hit the blog, and our walls, later this week!

Right when we pulled in the driveway of our house we unloaded everything in the garage. We didn't even go inside and Chris was ready and willing to recover the chair I had bought! Score! I swear I am turning my man into a DIYer. He is more and more amazed each time I bring home trash and turn it into treasure. He is also happy that I don't buy anything unless I feel it is the best deal. This chair was a great deal. He likes getting involved and I love watching him complain about buying trash, and then loving it in the end!

A whole new chair for $10. Now we're talkin' my language!

Have you ever found the perfect little chair? Ever recovered a chair cushion??


  1. Love that fabric choice! I have in fact recovered many a chair.. Or, well.. The MIL has recovered for me:) great find!

    1. Thank you! I totally lucked out in finding it! Such a great MIL :)

  2. Great find!!!!!! And wait....have we talked about the OU thing before? I see Chris wearing an OU shirt.....

  3. I need this for about 10 places in my house! My mom and I go to Canton, but we haven't been to Wimberly Days yet. We might have to check that out too, is it in McKinney?
