Sunday, December 8, 2013

Get me out of here!!

On Friday I was high-fivin' for a snow day. Today, I am high-fivin' for a get-me-out-of-here-before-I-go-crazy!!

Oh how nice it was to lay around and be lazy on Friday. It is always a delight thinking you have to go into school/work and then find out school/work is cancelled. The delight you get is equivalent to an eight year old on Christmas morning. I spent the majority of Friday sipping coffee and cleaning. Friday night we ordered pizza (along with the other 1,000 people in the area) and went to our neighbor's and watch We're the Millers. I might or might not have gotten out of my PJs all day. Don't judge. 

Saturday I was supposed to head down to Austin to spend the weekend with my Granddad, but #icemageddon2013 prevented that from happening. We literally could not even get off our street. The roads were straight ice, ice, baby. Since the house looked like Mr. Clean had come through, there was not much else to do. Chris and the pups went on an adventure through the neighborhood and down to a creek. I held down the couch... We then napped and I cooked. We played cards and drank too much coffee. I finally showered. I went on a deep cleaning rampage and started cleaning out cabinets and paperwork. We finally decided it was time for bed, but the combination of coffee, an hour long nap, and the exertion of no energy all day made for a tough time falling asleep.

Sunday was spent, surprise, surprise....inside! We could see the ice beginning to melt, but the over three inches of accumulated ice is far from being gone. We have no milk, no bread, no tape to wrap presents, and we are on our last scoops of dog food, so tomorrow, rain, hail, sleet, or snow, this girl is getting out! Oh, and I'll have the whole day to do that since we have ANOTHER snow day.

Us Texans can't handle this weather. It was good for a day, but I am over it. Cabin fever has set in and I need to escape!

How was your weekend?! Did you experience #icemageddon2013?

By the way, I am still praying for all those who lost power all weekend! My lack of milk and bread is no comparison to your chilling temperatures inside your house!  
Linking up with Sami's ShenanigansLife of Meg, and Leeann Kimberlee!


  1. We didn't get it as bad in Richardson, but we were kept inside for sure on Friday. We made it to home depot on Saturday AND Sunday (essentials, you know) but other than that stayed home. I, however, didn't get bored at all! My house still isn't clean either. Haha. I hope you can make it out of the house today! Good luck!

  2. AH you poor thing!! I would die being cooped up inside for that long as well! At least you're not alone and you have your hubby :) It's a bone chilling temperature up here so I basically hibernate anyways too, ugh take me back to summer.

  3. Oh goodness! At least you guys got a little snow, we only got ice here in Kentucky!!!

  4. I wish I had spent some of my time cleaning..instead I held down the couch the ENTIRE weekend! I am getting out today to run to the mall and then might get some cleaning done... Might! I pray we go to school tomorrow!!!

  5. Oh man! That looks serious! Us New Yorkers got some snow this weekend but it takes a lot to keep New Yorkers indoors.

    Hopefully you'll be able to escape next weekend for some adventures!

    Thanks for linking up :)

  6. Looks icy my friend. And can you use Chris's outfit for WWIW this week if you get stuck inside again? hahaha

  7. I hate that y'all have been stuck in your house all weekend, but the pictures of your house/neighborhood are beautiful. I've always said I like to watch the snow more than be in it, but I think three days straight would be too much! I'm hoping enough ice has melted and you can get out today--GOOD LUCK! Stopped by from the link up:)

  8. yep, totally over it. day 4 of no power COME ON ONCOR!

  9. Guuurrl! I hear ya!! I was cooped up from Thursday evening to Sunday morning when Matt took me to breakfast & the grocery store! I was seriously about to go crazy!! I came to work this morning @ 10 & the roads weren't too bad but the bridges were still horrible!! I wish it was snow so it wouldn't be as bad to drive in but, this complete ice thing is ridiculous!! I had a pretty good spin out on 121 between FW & the mid-cities & freaked myself out pretty good! All is ok but, Matt is coming to rescue me from work this afternoon! Y'all be careful if/when you do get out!!!

  10. no. Just no. haha It is the same here, if we have even a flurry spotted the city shuts down add ice and it is a week long event. Here's to hoping you get out soon!

  11. I feel ya. Sometimes you just need to get out of the house even if just for a little while. We spent our time iced in watching movies or on the internet to pass the time. We did manage to get out today to pick up Chilis for lunch but there is just still so much ice, and now slush out there!

  12. I can't believe how much snow you guys got!! I always think the same thing, until you literally can't leave the house and want to go bananas!

  13. Why can't we be neighbors so we could have kept each other occupied? haha That would make my life!!! I will be patiently waiting for your hair tutorials because we all know I need some help over here.

  14. We got some snow and ice in St. Louis as well and I absolutely am getting stir crazy. I hate the cold weather, summer can come back now :)

  15. so many ppl got iced-in! so crazy. weather in chicago was snowy and chilly but that's pretty typical in the winter. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  16. OMG, i cant believe it was that bad. AZ is getting chilly but no ice just yet. Sounds like a relaxing weekend though so be thankful so that when it gets back to being busssy busssy!!


  17. Those pictures are EXACTLY the reason I left the midwest. I hate all the snow!!! And now I'm ruined - currently it's 70 degrees in my house and the heat is on. 70 feels like 30 and if I ever see snow again in person I will probably die! So sorry for you :( Haha stopping by from Sami's <3


  18. I'm with ya girl. Snow is nice for a day or two. Missing work is nice. But then you just want life back to normal! Good luck gettin out tomorrow :)

  19. We got a bit of snow in NYC today and I made a HUGE DEAL about it and complained like no other. Guess I shouldnt be complaining LOL

    BTW, im hosting a "Tell All Tuesdays" Blog Hop with Fitness Blondie. Join us :)

    Kristen @ Your Beauty Fix

  20. I have family who was hit by the nasty ice storm, as well. I would have done the same thing you did! haha! Lay around, drink too much coffee and nap. I guess it's a good excuse to be lazy?!

  21. I am a little jealous you have snow, although you want out of there! haha

    also, I'm having a Weekend Recap linkup on my blog ! Would love for you to be a part of it :)

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