Wednesday, December 4, 2013

WIWW: Cross Sweater + Link Up!

Sweater: Forever 21 (similar, similar) // Jeans: Vigoss at Norstrom (similar and on sale!) // Flats: ALDO (similar)

This outfit, to me, screams stylish mom going out to run errands. I am neither a a mom, nor am I stylish when running errands and I can only pray that I get dressed everyday when I bring a human life into this world. At least I have something to work towards, right?

For me in my current state, married with zero human children, this constitutes as my hangout with girlfriends outfit. Comfy and casual, plus some crosses never hurt anyone.


- On Monday Chris forgot his phone at home. He called me at 6:45pm to tell me he was on his way home. It takes him about 45 minutes to get home. At 8:30pm, after calling his work three times, he was still not home. I decided that at 8:35pm I would start driving towards his work because I was WORRIED SICK. Literally I could not eat or drink anything. As I was about to leave my phone rang. It was Chris. I answered and BURST into tears. He said he was so sorry and his boss had called him into a meeting and he just knew that I would be worried sick. I was a mess. That pit in my stomach was the worst feeling ever.

- Hearing Christmas music on the radio everyday makes me happy.

- Wrigley is getting quite daring lately. Sunday, Chris left his plate on the coffee table and left the room for a moment only to return to a CLEAN plate. Then, last night, Chris had a rib bone on his plate. He left the room for a moment and what do ya know...Wrigley had ate and cleaned the entire plate! Anddd he had no shame as he laid there licking his paws.

- I finally mailed my hair to Locks of Love!

- 12 days until this teacher is on Christmas break...holla.

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post!!  

- Write about something fashion related (accessories, shoes, modeling, make-up, etc.)
And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}



  1. How cute is that sweater! I haven't gotten enough courage to do an outfit post yet - eek!

  2. Donators have to mail their own hair to LoL? I thought the hairstylists did that. Either way its a good feeling isn't it. I've never done it but if my hair ever got that long I just might!

  3. I am soooooooooooo obsessed with that sweater! You are just adorable!

  4. Love your outfit!!! Mommy running errands OR hanging out with the girls... it's a WIN!

  5. love this cute outfit, it looks wonderful on you! im totally diggin' the sweater! xx

  6. I TOTALLY know the feeling of being worried sick like that! I am the biggest worry wart ever I feel like, if Max is 10 minutes late I start calling and thinking he has been in a wreck or kidnapped basically. I feel for you in that situation ha!

  7. Isn't it such a great feeling knowing you mailed in your hair?! Strange actually doing it, but it's so great! I mailed mine in June and it was pretty amazing.

  8. You are the cutest ever:) I donated my hair a few years ago....I cried when they cut my ponytail, but it was nice knowing where it would go:)

  9. Sooo awesome you mailed your hair! Still obsessing over your new voluminous 'do. #love And Bella tries to get courageous...when the nephew has a snack plate I make her lay down and stay put til he is done. Every few seconds I look at her and he is literally army crawling closer and closer to his plate haha

  10. Your sweater is awesome! Love that you donated your hair..thats really nice of you :). And I know how antsy I get if i dont hear from my husband when I know he should be calling. I usually am not crying, but more like sounding off on the phone and then some later ;). I dont know how i have missed link up here for a while! Now I am back :D

  11. Wrigley sounds like my Jessie! She is stealth! And I love your sweater!

  12. Are the crosses gold?! I love it! and your hair is looking gorge too!
    I HATE when I can't get a hold of my Hubby and he's supposed to be home. I know that exact feeling, it's the absolute worst!!!

  13. Your Cross Sweater is adorable. I absolutely love the Graphic appeal. And I keep loving your hair. I think it is the perfect length and I might cut mine just like it. ;-) Also, the post about the painted Gold Wine Glasses was so much Fun!!

    Stop by my blog today because I promise you will find some Fashion Inspiration in what I linked up. Thank You & Have a Great Day, Ada. =)

  14. Those dang dogs!!!

    Your hair looks so cute!!!

  15. I get the exact same way when Zack isn't home when he says he will be and doesn't answer. I always think the worst! :(

  16. Oh my gosh I hate that feeling for you friend. Michael did that to me once and I literally thought it was the end of the world as I knew it. I'm glad he was ok! And I love that sweater on you. Can it be your "I'm going to meet Ashley" sweater?! hehe

  17. All I have to do is look at your photos and smile. Your heart, personality and genuine soul melts my heart!!!! Chris should have been put in time out for that one!! Glad he was okay! 12 more days! Holla! Hope we can find a way to see each other over the holidays!! xoxo
