Wednesday, November 2, 2016

WIWW: Must Have Leggings + Link Up

leggings // cardigan // tee // necklace // booties
Y'all know I am not one to say people HAVE to have something. But, these leggings are an exception. I saw them on someone's instagram and literally logged on to Nordstrom and ordered them right away. AND I NEVER DO THAT. I'm not sure what drew me to these, but I wanted them so bad.

And the best part is that...

I love them. Nordstrom is 12 minutes from my house, but I knew I wouldn't have time to run to the mall, so when they came in the mail I nearly screamed. They are as perfect as I wanted them to be.

Basically this outfit will be on repeat all fall. I told you last week how I was obsessed with this color and the obsession doesn't seem to be letting up. Oh well. 

In other news, I've been SO busy with my little Etsy business that I feel like I've been a sleep, eat, teach, make signs, repeat machine. It has been exhausting, but I'm loving the creative outlet. 

Anyways, I can't believe it is November and that it is Wednesday and that my baby tured 7 months old yesterday. Time is a thief!

Happy Wednesday!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here. 


  1. man I don't get nordstrom here!! But I LOVE these and need to find a similar pair. they are so cute!

  2. These sound great! always on the look out for a good pair of leggings.

  3. I have been looking for leggings just like this! All the ones I have found are so expensive this price is great they look great I can not wait to get them. Thank you

    Life is just Rosie

  4. I LOVE this look! Perfect fall look. I have these leggings in olive and they are my FAVE! I may have to get them in black too.

    xx, Elise

  5. Wow, that outfit is so super cute. The detail on the leggings really does bring it up a notch.

    Thanks for hosting the link up!

  6. I am loving your motto skinny jeans!!

    ~ xo Sheree
    Posh Classy Mom

  7. I've been in the market for new leggings and these look AMAZING. Definitely going to be giving those a look.

  8. Loving the details of those leggings! Thanks for hosting - I am excited to link up :)

    Sarah Bell
