Tuesday, November 29, 2016

WIWW: Just Porter + Link Up

This post contains a few of my favorite (new!) things! I am not one to buy a lot for myself, but after having G, I've discovered that I need a wardrobe update, so I've been slowly buying things that make me happy!

First off, this hat! Now, I have to be honest and say that I got it at an outdoor market for $10, but here are some cute ones! Mine is lined with fleece and G modeled it better than I ever could.

Secondly, I'm wearing my favorite leggings. Y'all, I wasn't kidding when I said I wear them nearly everyday. They're the best. 

Third, this white jacket is just the perfect piece for cool days. It isn't freezing yet here in Texas, so this jacket is light weight and comfy. Plus, the sleeves come off so I can wear it as a vest as well! I got it at TJ Maxx and can't find it online, sorry!

Lastly, this awesome laptop backpack! Chris has been carrying it when he goes out with Graham and it is the perfect size. It isn't bulky and has plenty of pockets and places for things. Just Porter is an awesome company that donates a backpack full of school supplies every time one of their bags is purchased. You know that is near and dear to this teachers heart! Just Porter has many different backpack styles and prints. They would make a perfect Christmas gift for that guy in your life!!

Happy Wednesday!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here. 


  1. You are so cute! Your looking very fit! Love your hat and coat!

    1. You sure know how to make a momma feel good! Thanks sweet lady!

  2. I love that outfit on you, and that jacket is perfect with the sleeves being able to come off, I love it. Love that the back pack donates one full of supplies, love it, off to check them off and justify that I need one!

  3. both the beanie and the bag are incredible!!!

  4. Such a trendy, casual outfit! You look so great in that hat and I love that white jacket! Thanks for hosting :)

    Sarah Bell
    Trendy & Tidy

    1. Thanks, Sarah!! I'm going to have to wear this jacket more...just not around baby G :)

  5. Friend, momma-hood fits you so well! You look amazing.

  6. I have to get those leggings, I keep hearing how great they are!
