Wednesday, August 10, 2016

WIWW: 5 Favorites + Link Up

Today is my last day of summer break. I'm equal parts happy and sad. I will talk more later about my decision to return to work after having Graham, but for today I wanted to take a look back at five of my favorite outfits. I've been living in my mom uniform, so these pictures remind me that I do have a sense of fashion hidden behind my yoga pants and spit it tees!

top // pants // shoes
This white look give me all the feels. I seriously feel so fancy wearing all white. Don't y'all? 

pants // top // necklace
The fact that these floral pants are as comfortable as pajama bottoms makes this my most favorite outfit, ever. 

I think I've worn this dress a million times and I never get sick of it. 

Everything about this screams classic. Denim vest, little black dress, a neutral sandal...yeesssss.

Another easy, classic look. You can't go wrong with all neutrals, or this jacket. It is the most worn jacket I own. Perfect for our not so cold winters here in Texas.

I'm hoping next week to have some new pictures and outfits for y'all since I'll be back to having to actually get dressed each day. What a bummer, right?! It is probably for the best because my yoga pants are starting to wear thin and I'm running out of clean t-shirts :)

Happy Wednesday!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp  and Snapchat (the.tuckers21) for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here. 


  1. Great outfits! I really love the all white and the floral palazzo pants. I got tired of my mom uniform and decided to just wear what I like always keeping in mind that I have a washing machine! Ha! Kid messes. grrrr....


  2. your five fave outfits are perfect!
    you don't have to explain why you have to go back to work after having a baby. (I am sure people are curious) people don't really ask straight to my face why I still work after having 4 kids. I wish at times I could stay at home... But sadly, I have loans... and I am a better mom when I am outside doing something productive and "taking a break from them" by working.

    ~Sarah @disisd

  3. Love every one of these looks!! Have a wonderful last day of vacation!

    xx, Elise

  4. I still just think I suck at white on white...but you have inspired me to try again! Will be thinking about you as you return to the workforce. I know it's tough but it is possible to have a rewarding time in the workplace and still be fabulous mom.

  5. Loving your all white outfit! Perfect,I need some shoes like that too, neutral and super cute!

  6. All great looks but 1 & 3 are def my favs! Thanks for hosting the link up and hope you have a great rest of the week!

    xo Sheree
    IG: @poshclassymom

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