Tuesday, August 16, 2016

On being a working mom...

As most of you know, I've taught 5th grade for the past three years now. Before I became a teacher I worked as an accountant. I have my MBA and have always been pretty ambitious...

Until I became a mom...

Not that I am not ambitious anymore...

It is just that my little G man made me a pile of mush!

I had until July 8th to decide if I was going to renew my contract for this coming school year. I literally waited until the last minute to decide. At the time of my decision I was in the midst of G's three month sleep regression/growth spurt, breastfeeding at all hours of the day, and running on fumes. I longed for adult interaction and to somewhat feel like myself again. So, I hesitantly signed my contract and came to grips that I'd be teaching another year.

Then, Thursday came....and I cried the entire way to school, at school, in the middle of introducing myself, when I got home, and before I went to bed. I bawled to Chris on the phone that I was DYING INSIDE and that I was for sure not going back after June. #dramacticmuch?

Friday was much better, but I still missed being home with G, watching GMA, playing and napping, going out and about, and snuggling.

Then the weekend gave me the refresh I needed.

Now it is Monday night and I have come to terms with the fact that I will need to just take one day at a time. Am I anxious for June to come? DUH! But I know that I became a teacher for a reason. I teach my demographic for a reason. My school babies need lovin' and I know that G is getting more than they will ever experience.

I know God put me in this position for a reason and I'll be a better mom and wife for it, but I sure so miss my G baby during the day!!

So, as I still transition into this whole working mom role, please pray for me and this upcoming school year. I am more than thankful to have stayed home with Graham for four months and now it is time that I share some love with my cherubs at school!

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. OH man, I remember going back to work...it's tough! But you're right it gets better each day and before you know it June will be here and you'll get three months to relax with G-man :)

  2. I always said that I would go back to work after having a child. Then I had a child. I am suppose to go back at the end of September and I am starting to wonder if we could make it off me working part-time.. if that is even an option at work. I love my job and the people I work with, but oh my, I love being home with my son. He is only 3.5 weeks and I can only imagine how much harder it will get!

  3. Prayers sweet momma. I really never had the option to stay home and when I was really young with my first two it didn't upset me as much. When I had my little two in my 30's it was so much harder. I can tell you though.....if it is any consolation at all....my grown kids don't feel like they missed a thing. I would love to have been there and able to soak up all those extra snuggles every day but thankfully I was always ready to find someone amazing to take my place while I worked.

  4. I stayed home with my children, so I can't even imagine what you are going through. It's a difficult decision every parent has to make.

  5. First of all, kudos to you for realizing that you are where God has called you to be! God placed a gift inside all of us and yours just happens to be with kids in a classroom. It doesn't mean it would be BAD if you stayed home with your little one, but to understand the calling on your life and continue (even when it's tough...) good for you!
    Also, I somehow stumbled across your blog today and glad I did.
    I also don't think I have no reply blogger all figured out because I'm over on wordpress but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway. HA.
    I'm excited to follow along on your blog now!
    - Whitney
