Memorial Day Weekend || Lots of Firsts!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

This weekend was so great. We had lots of firsts in the Tucker household!

Starting off, Graham went on his first road trip, attended his first wedding, and slept for 6 hours three nights in a row!

Chris and I had our first experience traveling with a baby. Holy stuff! Our car was loaded down all for one little guy.

I wore my first romper and didn't totally hate it. I went to Old Navy for this one, but they didn't have it, so I bought this one instead.

Graham met his birthday twin for the first time! Baby Sam's mom and dad are our close family friends and they currently live in India. Graham and Sam were both born on April 1st, just around the world from each other! Rachel, Steve, and Sam are here visiting and the boys got to meet for the first time!

Graham and I went to Dallas to visit Auntie Des. Graham went out to his first Dallas restaurant and hit up Uptown already! (Uptown is the party area of Dallas). Don't worry, we only went to Uptown for shakes at Hopdoddy which Graham enjoyed while sleeping in his stroller.

Texas grown tee - c/o The Massey's!
Tomorrow our buddy boy will be TWO months old! I can't believe it! I'm soaking in all the baby smells and cuddles I can get!

Happy Monday!

Saturday Shopping || Holiday Sales!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

This weekend kicks off with tons of Memorial Day sales just in time to stock up on summer swimwear, shorts, shoes, and dresses! I raided Old Navy on Thursday where I got this jumpsuit (my first jumpsuit!), my third split back tee, this palm blouse, and these precious sandals for G!

Nordstrom || Half Yearly Sale!!

Old Navy || 50% off all tees, tanks, shorts, and swim!

Gap || 35% off your purchase

J. Crew || 30% off your purchase

J. Crew Factory || 50 % off everything!

LOFT || 60% off summer favorite + sale items, 40% off new arrivals

Banana Republic || 40% off your purchase

Graham || 8 Weeks

Friday, May 27, 2016

How? How is my baby boy 8 weeks old already?! This blog is a scrapbook of my life and I'm so happy to be documenting these memories. It is so fun to go back and see how much our Graham has grown!

Nicknames: Buddy boy, buddy, bub, bubba, Spam, Spammer, Grammarrrr

Weight: At 6 weeks we had to go to the doctor and he weighed 12 pounds 12 ounces. I'm guessing that at his 2 month appointment he weighs close to 15 pounds.

Clothes Size: Depends on the brand, but definitely 3 month clothing.

Diaper Size: 2

Likes: Mornings - he is super happy, going outside, playing Superman with daddy, ceiling fans, eating, swinging, baths, sleeping on our chest, the picture above his changing table,car rides.

Dislikes: Being hungry, having gas, when the bath water isn't hot enough (oops!), being passed around a lot, getting his nails clipped.

Schedule: A very rough schedule is in place, but we always wake around 7am, nap between 9-11, eat, down for nap again between 1-2, eat, play, nap between 4-6, bath, daddy gives him a bottle or I nurse him around 8, bed between 8-9:30. He is still waking every 2-5 hours at night. His first stretch is the longest and then after his 4-5am feeding he stirs and doesn't stop unless we pick him up. I always feel really alert for his 4-5am feeding, but I feel like death when he wants to get up at 7am.

Milestones: He now 100% recognizes his mama and LET ME TELL YOU...there is NOTHING better! He smiles at me all day long and I've got the biggest googly eyes for him. He is such a happy boy and definitely becoming a mama's boy! He recognizes daddy, too! Daddy just loves to give him tons of sugars all over his face and G isn't too sure about his beard.

Other milestones: He now sleeps in his crib! I might have stared at the monitor the whole first night, but we are all sleeping better now! He also sucks his thumb/hand and now produces real tears (so sad!).

Looking forward to: We are looking into taking a family trip with just the three of us, but we aren't sure where! And, whew, traveling with a baby takes SO MUCH planning. What are your tips for car seat? Stroller? Rental cars? There is just so much we never had to think about!

Dear Graham,

These last eight weeks with you have flown by. As sad as I am to see you grow into being my chunky buddy boy, your dad and I love each new trick you learn. From your new found coos and sucking your thumb, to you being able to hold your head up and recognize our faces, we can't get enough! You love, love, love to eat and truly only fuss when you're hungry. You don't even mind getting your diaper long as there is a fan for you to stare at.

You've started sleeping in your crib and I'd be lying if I said I like it. Not having you close to me causes me some mama anxiety, but I know it is best for all of us. I do enjoy each morning when your daddy brings you to me and you snuggle on my chest for a couple extra hours. Ahhh, I soak you in, buddy boy.

From your chunky thighs to your squinty eyes (thanks for those, daddy!), I could just eat you up. You're our pride and joy and your dad and I love you to the moon and back!


WIWW: Must Have Shorts + Link Up

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

shorts // tank // cuff // ring // sandals // sunglasses
I've told y'all before, but these shorts are quickly becoming my favorite. They are linen material and drawstring, which is perfect for my post baby body. I have three different pairs and I'm contemplating going back for more.  

I also love this tank. I got it in two colors and have already worn them numerous times. You can't go wrong with any of these tees for the price. 

On another note, can we talk about my hair for a minute? I am dying for something new and have an appointment on the 31st, but I'm torn. I love having long hair to throw up in a ponytail, but I hardly ever fix it. And, if I do style it, it goes in a pony at some point because it is just so dang hot. I'm leaning towards this cut and possibly the color, too! If I don't go with that look, then I'm just trimming it and adding lots of layers. Since I'm still taking my prenatal vitamins, my hair is growing like a weed, so I'm not worried about going short. 

What do y'all think I should do?!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here. 

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Reality vs. Myth || After Baby

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Now that Graham is almost two months old (whatt?!) I feel like I can clearly wrap my head around the things people told me for sure would happen, and the things that truly did (and are currently) happen.

When you're pregnant, and then become a mom, people give you all kinds of advice and have thoughts and opinions on everything. The "wait until you're a mom" statements came at me left and right. Luckily, I am really good at taking things with a grain of salt and not getting offended.

Here are somethings people said, and then my experience.

- You'll never have time to shower. I feel like this is sooo false. Maybe it will be harder when he becomes mobile, but for now, where is he going to go while I shower? I just wait until he naps, or even if he is fussy, and set him in his Rock 'N Play right outside the shower. He isn't going to escape! And, if he starts crying, well, crying never hurt a baby and I'm not at the spa, so he can wait for five minutes. Luckily, G loves the sound of the shower, but in all honesty I shower when Chris is home (most of the time). When he was really newborn, it was so easy to shower because newborns sleep so much! So, for those moms to be out there, don't worry, you will shower!

- You'll become a huge germaphobe. Nope! I've never been a germaphobe. Chris, on the other hand, is a total germaphobe, but has gotten better since Graham arrived. We can't shelter him from the world and germs forever! We went out to a restaurant when he was six days old, Starbucks at one week old, and Target numerous times. I don't let people touch him, but I'm not paranoid about it.

- You'll never sleep. This is true and not true. You do sleep, just in a few hour increments. Now that we are eight weeks in, my body is adjusted to functioning off of naps, not long periods of sleep. There has (knock on wood!) only been one night that Graham woke up ready to party at 2:00am. After nursing him and trying to rock him back to sleep, he wasn't having it, so Chris took him in the living room while I slept until 6:30am. I woke up in a panic and ran out in the living room. Chris informed me that G had just fallen asleep after he gave him a bottle, so I could go back to sleep. I fell back asleep until 7:30am and then let Chris go in the room where he slept until 11:30am. My biggest advice is what everyone says...sleep when the baby sleeps. Whether it be for ten minutes or two hours, sleep!

- You, as mama, just know. SO TRUE. I never knew how a baby could be fussy and then the mom picks it up and silence...until I became a mom. And, I will tell you, it is the BEST feeling ever. Graham is super cuddly, so when he wants me, it melts my heart! A few weekends ago I could tell he was getting overstimulated from being passed around way too much and the moment I grabbed him, he passed out in my arms. Mama knows!

So, what advice or saying have you been told that have been proven true, or not true?!

And, a post wouldn't be a post without some baby #GrahamSpam.

Easy At Home Workouts

Monday, May 23, 2016

I've always been super active. Playing sports my whole life, even in college, has led me to know nothing else than working out. I love going to the gym and doing classes. My whole life I've had some coach yelling at me to "push it!", but last week we cancelled our gym membership, so I'm left to figure out workouts that will keep me in shape, but can be done at home.

Now that I am a mom, my workouts have changed. When Graham was around 3 weeks we started going on nightly walks. Once I got the clear from my doctor at 6 weeks, our walks turned into jogs mixed with lunges, squats, and push-ups along the way. Yes, I feel silly stopping on sidewalk and pumping out some push-ups, but Chris and I know that if we wait until we get home from our walk, we won't do them.

Running has never been my thing. I've ran one half marathon and I HATED it. All I kept thinking was, "I'm SO bored!" But, getting out each evening for a nice jog has been great. I am surprised as to how much stamina my body held onto after giving birth.

We cancelled our gym membership because Chris works out at the gym at his work and our rates were going up. Plus, there was an additional fee to put G in the childcare, which is only open at certain times throughout the day.

So, here we are left to figure out easy workouts to do at home.

To start, Chris and I have started a 30 day squat challenge. We are on day 8 of this program. I hope to remember to take pictures soon to see a before and after. We are also going to do a push-up challenge once I feel up to it. My lower abs are still a bit sore when I do push-ups, so the few I've been doing on our runs is plenty. We want to do the 100 push-ups for 100 days challenge like Sarah did!

Here are a few other effective and easy workouts that can be done at home. You can follow my fitness Pinterest page to see other workouts I've been pinning!

And of course the ultimate motivator to workout is new workout clothes!

I'm loving all these printed leggings!! How fun for summer!

New workout tops are something I like to switch out every year just because of how gross some of them become. All of these tanks are really cute!

And we can't forget about tennis shoes! There are so many fun colors and patterns to choose from now days. These options are girly, yet get the job workout done.

So what workouts do you other moms do? How do I start to like running?!

Happy Monday!

Saturday Shopping || Sale Codes

Saturday, May 21, 2016


Gap || 40% off all tees, tanks, and shorts + 35% off the rest of your purchase CODE: WARMUP

Old Navy || 40% off your order. NO CODE NEEDED

J. Crew || 25% off + and extra 30% off sale styles

Banana Republic || 40% off your purchase CODE: BRTAKE40

My weekend wishlist:

- a pair of wedge espadrilles

- a fun pool inflatable to give as a gift

- fun trays for wedding and birthday gifts

Happy Saturday!

Graham || 7 Weeks

Friday, May 20, 2016

How how how has it been seven weeks?! Our little ham is growing each day and I can't help but love each new trick he learns. He is starting to let his little personality shine through and it just melts us!

Weight: We had to go to the doctor on Monday to have his belly button chemically cauterized because it was still oozing from his umbilical granuloma. Since we were there, we got to check his weight. On Monday he was 6 weeks and 3 days old and he weighed 12 pounds 12 ounces!! He started in the 27th percentile and is now in the 87th. We have a big boy on our hands!

Sleep: Little man is still waking up every 2-4 hours at night to eat. The longest stretch we've had has been four hours. We tried giving him a bottle of mama's milk before bed to really fill him up and he still only slept three hours. I try to 'shhhh' him to get him to go back to sleep instead of eat, but he truly is hungry. He guzzles down a meal then goes back down really easy. After his 4:00am(ish) feeding he is SUPER grunty and does not settle unless I am holding him. Needless to say, he is not whiny at all, nor is he hard to put to sleep, but working off broken sleep is rough. I am exhausted!

Clothes: It depends on the brand, but definitely 3 months for Carter's and Gerber brands. Old Navy/Gap 3-6 months outfits are just a tiny bit big, but he has been wearing them. It seems like overnight he grew out of all his newborn clothes. 

Diaper Size: 1s, but he should be wearing 2s! He has had two blow outs in two days, so I'm thinking it is time to size up!

Personality: He is a little ham! He definitely is smiley and knows his mama's voice and face. Just about anyone can get him to smile and he is only really mad when he is not getting fed when he wants it...that minute!! He doesn't cry for diaper changes or getting dressed, but he is still hit or miss on baths. 

Our sweet buddy boy, 

These last seven weeks with you have been the best. Your faces and coos, even in the middle of the night, make my heart swell!! You're my favorite! I can't wait to see you grow and develop. 

Your dad and I love you so, so much!



WIWW: Same Pants + Link Up

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

tee // necklace // pants // shoes 
Like I said, I've been wearing these pants all the time. Some days it is smoldering hot here in Texas, and when it isn't, I wear these. They are soooo comfy!

I bought these Birkenstocks on my high school graduation trip to Florida and they are still some of the most comfortable shoes I own. I'm glad they are making a comeback! Post baby, I am all about the comfort.

And can we talk about that chunk up there! Our boy started in the 27th percentile and has quickly made his way to the 87th percentile in just six short weeks. He weighs (as of Monday) 12 pounds 12 ounces. Us Tuckers like to eat!!

Happy Wednesday!  

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Currently Craving

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

OPI Let's Be Friends! - I've seen this color on several people and I'm obsessed.

Off the shoulder dresses!
- Gap's baby boy clothes gives me all the heart eyes.

- I am literally craving Emporium Pie's Blue Steel pie. YUM.

- Do any of you mamas out there have a recommendation on an affordable jogging stroller? I've been eyeing this one at the recommendation of a friend, but am open to other suggestions. I hate running, but now that G is here, Chris and I are trying to get into it. Trying is the key word :)

- A new pair of aviators are in my future. Mine are all scratched up and in need of retirement.

- Getting back into working out makes me crave new tennis shoes. I am due for a new pair and they truly do help get you motivated! This pair are my favorite!

- These wraparound bikini tops are catching my eye.

What are you currently craving?!