Wednesday, February 10, 2016

WIWW: Bumpdate + Link Up

I just wanted to start by saying thank to everyone who links up! Although I would love to read and respond to each link, reality is that 24 kiddos demand my attention all day, and by night I'm pooped! I do manage to read a majority of the links randomly on the weekends and while in bed, so I appreciate everyone linking up!

Now let's talk about this baby of mine! We are no longer in the double digit week countdown! Graham's due date is April 8th and the suspense of when he will actually arrive is so exciting! 

How far along: 31 weeks + five days

Baby size: A coconut! 18+ inches and 3.5 pounds!

Sleep: It still takes me about 30 seconds to fall into a deep sleep. I usually have to get up one, maybe two times a night, but I am always able to fall back asleep super quickly! Sleep is such a glorious thing that I'm cherishing!

Belly button: Still in some days and flat the others. It has yet to pop and I'm still as terrified as ever!

Maternity clothes: I found the most amazing leggings over the weekend! I went to Motherhood Maternity for the first time and was pretty underwhelmed, but the leggings were on sale. I ended up getting three pairs. The faux leather ones I'm wearing above are from there. They are Jessica Simpson and the most comfortable leggings ever! I can't find them online :( Chris called them my sassy pants.

A lot of my tops are still working. The sweater above is nonmaternity. I have always worn loose fitting tops, so I'm not surprised I'm able to wear a lot of them still.

Movement: Movement is an understatement. This boy is crazy! He gets the hiccups all. the. time. He is definitely head down still because I can feel the hiccups in my down-stairs-area, if you know what I mean!

Cravings: The pancake craving has subsided a bit. I have been loving strawberries and orange juice and I can't get enough of this breakfast.

Symptoms: Other than my feet hurting, things have been good! I've been having a few contractions here and there. Some Braxton Hicks and some are back labor pains. Luckily, when I lay down they go away. I've been sitting at school ALL day and I'm taking it easy at home. 

Wedding rings: I can get them on, but if I swell at some point during the day (too many chips...) I start to freak out (internally) if I can't get them off. Like, I CANNOT concentrate on anything other than getting my rings off. Every weekend when we are at church the same thing happens. I have them on, but at some point during the service I get really hot and I start freaking out (once again, internally) because I feel so claustrophobic when I can't get them off. So, with all that said, sometimes they are on, sometimes they are off!

Looking forward to: Our first shower this weekend! I am so excited! I remember our wedding felt more real once we had our showers. It feels real we are having a baby, because, hello, he won't stop moving, but I think the showers make it more real.

Nursery progress: We are waiting on his glider and my aunt is altering the curtains this weekend, so hopefully next week we can get some things on the walls. I wanted to wait to see what we got from our showers in case we wanted to move anything around. 

Friday marks 32 weeks and last Monday was the two month countdown. Eeeekkk!!! Such a blessing!

Happy Wednesday!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here. 


  1. You are rocking that bump girl!! You are so close, you look amazing! xo


  2. I knew you were due about the same time and my bosses son & his wife had their twins yesterday! Tiny but healthy girls. I was the same way about my rings!!! You look great.

  3. Looking good! Baby showers are so amazing. It's truly a blessing to see everyone come together and love on that bump of yours!

  4. Aww Sarah, it's been awhile since I've been able to catch up on my blogs, and I'm so happy I did this morning. You look amazing so excitingly happy!! I can't wait to see your shower pics. It's going to be amazing and the feelings of love and joy will overflow.

  5. You are looking SO incredibly happy for you guys! Motherhood is the best, hands down.


    PS- I don't see the link for the link-up...maybe it's just me?

  6. You look great in your sassy pants! ;)

  7. You look so happy and excited! Glad things are going better now. I had to have my wedding ring cut off my hand because my hands swelled so much. You might want to put them away till after the baby is born if you want to avoid this.

  8. You look gorgeous and you are getting so close!! I love your updates :) I don't see the link up though :(

    Simply Rachel Nicole

  9. Maybe try wearing the rings on a necklace until you can wear them comfortably again?

  10. You are way too cute rockin' that bump! Can't wait for your little man to arrive!!!! I'm sure you are ecstatic :)
