Monday, February 8, 2016

Life Lately || Happy Birthday To Me

Long time, no blogging! I took an unintentional week off and I feel like that could happen more frequently in the months to come. I'm not sure what that means for my WIWW link-up, but I'm not too worried. This little man in my belly is, honestly, all I care about lately :) I didn't even  feel pressure to blog, which I found relieving because I know those feelings can sneak in like "you have to blog!" 

Oh, and today's my 26th birthday! I have a feeling this may be the best year of my life thanks to a little boy named Graham!

Let me catch you up on what has been happening the last week.

Friday the 29th I hit 30 weeks. This belly is no joke, but I loveeee it!

Two weekends ago Chris and I set out for a day full of errands. On our list: pick out granite, a new back splash, eat Mexican food, and end the day with ice cream. 

I've been begging for new counters ever since we moved in and we are finally doing it! They come to install them on Wednesday and I'm so, so excited! I really wanted it all done by the time Graham gets here and Chris is making all my dreams come true. Him and his dad worked their booties off this weekend ripping out our old counters and back splash and lowering our bar top to make the counter top all one height when you're looking out into the living room. Chris's surprise birthday gift to me was installing under-cabinet lighting...another thing I've been wanting! I can't wait to show y'all the big reveal!

Monday morning my bestie left me a delicious doughnut because she likes to aide in my cravings. 

Shay is a McKinney momma who also happens to have written two cook books! She surprised me and left her meal planning book and her book of 101 cakes in my mailbox while I was on bed rest. I've been cooking up a storm thanks to her easy recipes and shopping list. Because, have I ever mentioned I hate grocery shopping? It is the worst. 

School has been crazy busy, so Wednesday I went and got a pedicure and splurged on Whataburger...which caused my wedding rings to no long fit for a couple days. Whomp whomp.

Thursday we went to our first baby class. We aren't taking that many classes, but I figured Chris needed to go to a couple because he just changed his first diaper Thursday...on that manikin baby. He was not happy with me taking pictures of him. Hey, I had to document the moment!

Friday I hit the 31 week mark and G is now a mad man in there. There are less kicks and punches and more full on round-about kicks and full body rolls! Sometimes I swear he is about to bust through my skin!

Saturday I went shopping for a couple hours with my best friend who treated me to a birthday lunch at Gloria's. I found a dress for my McKinney shower and bought my hostess gifts. Chris wanted me out of the house because of the dust from the kitchen remodel, so I had to oblige :)

I did go home and kick my feet up, though. I am definitely to the waddling point and can only stand for so long.

Sunday I spent a few hours running errands and purging things I found around the house that no longer served a purpose. My feet were killing me when I got home, so Chris said if I went with him to wash his truck he would give me a foot massage while we went through the washing tunnel. I never, ever pass up the opportunity for a foot massage!   

This week is another busy one. From buying life insurance to parent/teacher conferences to putting our kitchen back together, I am already worn out thinking about it.

On another exciting note, Saturday is our first shower in my hometown and I am so excited to see my family and have them spoil Graham! Chris and I were talking the other night before bed about how truly blessed we feel lately. From a baby boy to our jobs and life in general, we are just in a really, really good place. 

Happy Monday!


  1. LOL! The car wash foot massage pic is hilarious!! You are looking beautiful my friend and I can't wait to see the finished kitchen results! I am loooving the counter tops and back splash together!!

  2. So glad that you're not feeling the pressure to blog and how sweet of Shay to drop off some books for you! Here's hoping the next 9 weeks are easy and relaxing.

  3. You are so cute! I loved my belly every single time. And now...I'm totally jonesing for Glorias! I got so hooked on it while Riley was playing at TCU. And this is so weird...first HAPPY BIRTHDAY...but it is so crazy weird when I'm following along with a bloggers life feeling like I'm not that old and then WHAM I find out you are my daughters age!!! Not that I thought you were older...but in my mind I'm still 28 and since my girl isn't even married the thought of her having a baby hasn't crossed my mind. So...there you have it...I could be your mom!!

  4. Sarah! You crack me up! You guys are the cutest. Sounds liked a productive and fun-filled weekend. We are about to do the same thing with our kitchen (lower bar, replace counters, etc.) and that looks like almost the same granite we picked! Glad little man is still cookin' and that you're doing well!
