Wednesday, January 6, 2016

WIWW: Uniform + Link Up

First off, thanks for all the love for our little man's name! It is so fun to be able to call him by his name and not baby. Although I don't think baby boy will ever get old.

Now onto the clothes: 

Just call this my uniform. Chris asked if I was planning on wearing any other pants while pregnant and I promptly responded with, "No, why? Is it obvious I wear these everyday?" The look on his face said it all. #dontcare

I finally found some maternity jeans from Old Navy that are doable for a couple hours, but I definitely can't wear them all day. I also found these leggings at Target and they are thicker than normal leggings and they have a cute zipper detail on the leg. 

My top is non-maternity from Old Navy. It is one of their 'boyfriend' shirts, which I love! I'm still managing to squeeze into some my regular tops, but I can tell the end is near.

We snapped these picture before breakfast on Sunday. I have been craving waffles lately and, after a week of begging, Chris took me to breakfast to satisfy my need. This marks my official first craving, although I was picking up pizza last week and people were drinking sangria when I walked in and I think I started drooling right there on the floor. It looked so delicious!

Happy Wednesday!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.


  1. Love all the different colors in this outfit!

  2. Girl, leggings are the way to go when pregnant! And don't worry about maternity clothes other than a few pairs of jeans. Oversized sweaters, chunky cardigans, and Piko tops have taken me through pretty much this whole pregnancy. No point in buying something you can't wear afterwards!

  3. Thank you for hosting dear! I'm linking back to you HERE And... you are welcome any time to add your fashion and beauty links on my blog:

  4. So cute! I love those booties and want that color vest. And guuuurrrl....yo hair is getting so long so quick! Those baby vitamins don't mess around! lol

  5. Love the comfy, casual outfit! Burgundy looks amazing on you :-]

  6. You look precious! I say buy as few items as possible....I totally over did it with my last two pregnancies and it was all just wasted money.

  7. You look great! Love how you paired this look with all basics for something that's stylish and casual. Love this look!
    xo Kim

  8. Love all of these outfits! Great link up :)

    - Seri
