Monday, January 25, 2016


Monday, you're here again. That means we are one more Monday closer to meeting Graham man! 

Friday night we had date night at one of our favorite burger places. I hate waiting at restaurants, so we usually have casual Friday and Saturday nights and then go to the more popular restaurants during the week. As I look at that picture all I can think is, "how lucky am I?" #blessed

You've read that my only craving thus far has been pancakes. The craving has NOT let up. I could eat them for every meal. Chris even mentioned how in seven years, he has never seen me make pancakes, yet this week I've made them twice already!

Sunday I had to run a quick errand and decided to stop by Ross. Many of you suggested their maternity section, but I have not had much luck...until yesterday. They had several really comfortable and cute tops for super cheap!

Now it is Monday and I am already looking forward to the weekend. But, let's make today great, shall we?


  1. I've never actually shopped at Ross. Glad you found some items!

  2. That top is too cute! A good transition piece after baby gets here too. Yes to the weekend!

  3. We have cinnamon oatmeal pancakes no the menu this week and I canNOT wait to eat them.

  4. That's so funny about the pancakes! They do look yummy though!
