Monday, August 17, 2015

Summer Recap

Summer is over. I can hear the tears flooding in and the "can't wait until summer!" starting any minute now.

This summer was a good one. There were ups and downs, but every teacher would agree that this off time is much, much needed. If you think teachers have too much time off, just sub for one day and you'll wonder how we aren't all jumping off cliffs.

I am really excited to get back in to the swing of things and this is our first full week back. Last week was like a soft launch; we were there, but not mentally. This week we are getting down to business.

But, before I can fully let summer go, I wanted to recap all my summer adventures.

We started off our summer with a week long cruise to Key West, Freeport, and Nassau. The unlimited food and escape from technology makes me want to go back now.

I went on a road trip with my father-in-law to help my sister-in-law move into her soon-to-be husband's house. We also retiled their bathroom and added a woman's touch to the previous bachelor pad.

I spent a week with my family in the Hill Country and they also spent time up here.

My Mom and I visited Magnolia Market.

I got to wear my wedding dress for the fifth time!

I sprinted hundreds of yards to be front row at a concert with my brother. Best. Night. Ever.

We showered my sister-in-law who is getting married this Saturday!.

We went to baseball games.

We spent time celebrating friends.

I visited my main man at work (swoon).

Other things I did that are not pictured:

- walked the dogs
- repainted some furniture
- cleaned, a lot
- mowed the lawn
- went to two bachelorette parties
- visited my grandparents
- painted pottery
- went swimming
- had lunch and dinners with friends

Cheers to the summer of 2015! 


  1. What a fun look back! Sending prayers for a smooth transition and God's hand in picking the perfect group of kids for you to teach and mentor!

  2. Definitely a full and fun Summer for you! Hope you had a great first week back at school Mrs. Tucker!!!

  3. What a fun, full summer you had! Great recap. And I have no idea how I missed your concert post! How fun.

  4. Glad you had a fun summer and you'll have a great school year as well. I'm sure you got your christmas break count down already going ;)
