Wednesday, October 22, 2014

WIWW: Me + Link Up

If I were an outfit, this could be me. Mostly neutral, with a pop of color. Nothing too flashy. Glasses on, dirty hair, curled to look nice. Oh, and a diaper bag used to hoard everything and anything.

I feel like I am pretty neutral and low key. I have zero drama in my life, which is so nice. But, there is that occasional pop of color. I have a hard time holding back my thoughts, but I always make sure I can back up my point. My color wouldn't be hot pink, or anything out there like that. Just something with enough color to not blend in with the crowd.

If there were an outfit for my mood this week it would probably be a devil costume, or something along those lines. This diet is making me not be in the best mood ever, but luckily my students are being total gems this week (side-eye) and my husband hasn't commented once on how cranky I am (double side-eye). 

I'm getting healthier here, people. Deal with it! At least the pups still love me :)

shoes - my most favorite shoes, ever!

Don't forget Gap's 75% off sale!!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.

Linking up with Because Shanna Said So, Get Your Pretty On, The Pleated Poppy.


  1. So simple yet so polished and chic. I am in love with your booties. Nice black tote also.

    Always a pleasure stopping by Ms. Sarah. The picture with your pup made my day. =)

  2. Love this outfit!! Those pants are the perfect color and the perfect pop of color :) There really is nothing like a pups love... They don't care what mood you're in, they still love you!


  3. You look great! I love the relaxed fit of your outfit and that shade of green is just perfect for fall!


  4. I love that you're a fellow fur mama! Loving this outfit, and your hair looks perfect!

  5. look pretty cute to me for being in a hangry mood LOL...stripes and a great green this combo so much!

  6. Love this outfit! Those pants are the best color ever!

  7. I love this outfit and I love your dogs appearances in the pictures! They look so fuN!

  8. Great outfit. I love how comfortable yet classic it looks! And I adore the dogs that made it in the pictures!! :)

  9. Such a cute post. My bag is typically full of receipts and juice box straws, a very fabulous trash can. This is my first time visiting your blog, love it!


  10. Looking good. I love me some stripes.
