Monday, September 29, 2014


You're in the right spot! Thanks to the gorgeous Aubrey, my blog now has a fresh new look. Less newlywed, more old married woman. Totally kidding. I have many more years to go before I can claim that title.

Anyways, I am so happy with how Aubrey took my thoughts (I wouldn't even say I had a vision, because I just told her colors and she did this!) and created the perfect new layout for me!

A couple things to note before I give you an inside look at our weekend.

Wednesday is The Lovely Lookbook's second link up and the topic is Fall Colors. So you can plan on coming here to link up your fall looks. It will also be my normal WIWW, so I am excited to see everyone's outfits!

Now onto what went on in the Tucker house this weekend.

Sometimes we play basketball in the kitchen...

Friday night we went to McKinney Square with our best friends. We are so blessed that Chris's two best friends from high school, and their wives, live close, so we have been trying to get together on as many Friday's as possible. It was Oktoberfest on the square but we were able to snag a table at our favorite restaurant, Spoons, without a wait. Everyone was outside enjoying the food and drinks from the vendors, so it wasn't even crowed.

After dinner we walked around the square and then decided we would head back to Spoons to listen to some live music. Around 10:30pm we all were half asleep and decided it was time to go home.

Last week was crazy at school (when is it not?), plus staying out late Friday, so I slept in Saturday and then took a two hour nap around four. In between napping I managed to almost finish our cabinets. I can't wait to show y'all the reveal! It is so humid here that the drying process is really what slows me down.

Just me and Wrigs workin' on the cabinets.
I also managed to meet up with Caitlin to talk about The Lovely Lookbook. Saturday night Chris and I split a large Domino's pizza for dinner. Yes, I ate half and he ate half. Move over Chris, when you're wife is hungry, she is hungry.

Sunday I got up and kept truckin' on the cabinets. Chris went in to work for a bit while I headed to lunch with a friend. After lunch I headed to go watch one of my student's baseball games while Chris steam cleaned our carpets.

Late afternoon Sunday was spent running errands and doing house stuff. We picked 15 jalapenos off our jalapeno plant and they are THE HOTTEST PEPPERS EVER. Chris and I both have a pretty high tolerance when it comes to spice and I ate a piece the size of 1/4 of a pencil eraser and holy freakin' moly. The heat from those things is unreal. For some reason, out of the 15, one pepper grew to be bright red....and the color resembles the heat scale of that little thing. Chris had to spit it out and then drink straight from the faucet. Hot peppas, people!

It was a productive weekend, but I am already exhausted and the week hasn't even started.

This week my kids and I got to camp for three days, so I can't wait to share those stories with y'all!

Happy Monday!

Linking up with Leann and Kimberlee!


  1. Love the new look!! And sounds like you had a busy weekend - the pups look so cute!!

  2. I love the new blog design! Super sleek! Y'alls weekend sounded awesome - full of relaxation and just enough stimulation. Happy Monday!

  3. My neighbor just gave us a couple of her peppers and warned us that they are really hot this time, but my husband who has a big "heat" tolerance kind of laughed and said he should be fine. He bit into one and his eyes started watering, his nose was running, and he drank a whole glass of tea...hahaha He wasn't as "fine" as he thought he would be

  4. Our 5th graders are away at camp this week - can't wait to hear their stories!

    I'm not a pepper fan but those look great!

  5. I can't get over how I love the new look! Soooo cute!

  6. I love change!! The new blog design looks great!

  7. I can't wait to see the cabinets and then hire you to come and do mine. Sigh. I am so glad you got to enjoy your week/weekend even though school is crazy. I don't think I've ever loved my bed as much as I have this year. It has just been nonstop.

  8. Love the new design! haha you are far from an old married lady.

    Thanks for linking up with MMG :)
