Monday, September 15, 2014

Dear Kitchen Cabinets...

...why must there be so many of you.

I finally started the time consuming project of redoing our kitchen cabinets. I worked tirelessly all weekend (literally...all weekend) and came THIS close to finishing. The Texas humidity was not on my side, so the drying process was definitely like the saying, "watching paint dry."

At the moment our kitchen looks only a smidge better than this picture, so once it is all put back together, I will give you a little sneak sneak. Oh, and I should mention that I only did the upper cabinets (insert crying emoticon here).

I did manage to sneak away to the McKinney Square and spend some time with my family. My aunt and uncle are in town visiting my cousin, so while everything was drying, I was able to grab a bite to eat and window shop. 

In other news, thanks to everyone who linked up with Caitlin and I for our first The Lovely Lookbook link up! Last month's topic was dresses and I am happy to announce that October's link up topic is:

image via

We can't wait to see you back on October 1st to link up your outfits showing off your fall colors!!
You can read all about The Lovely Lookbook here and browse all the dresses linked up here.

Happy Monday!

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Linking up with Leeann Kimberlee!


  1. At least all of your effort will be worth it (:

  2. I can't wait to see the finished result! Happy Monday!

  3. Can't wait to see the finished result of the cabinets!

  4. I am sure they are coming out amazing! Your DIY always have the best results so keep on truckin' girl!

  5. girl I am so impressed that y'all are always doing something! I showed my husband y'alls headboard the other day just so we could get inspired! can't wait to see the finished cabinets!

  6. You are brave woman!! We keep talking about doing our cabinets and I keep putting it off because it seems so daunting.

  7. Yay for Fall colors!!! I cannot wait to see the cabinets! You are the DIY queen ;)

  8. I can't wait to see your cabinets!! It's something I talk about doing CONSTANTLY but it just seems like suchhh a huge project, I'm scared!

  9. It will be so worth it once you are done, and I cannot wait to see! Good luck finishing up.
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  10. I can't wait to see the cabinets! I need to do this with ours and I am super nervous about how they will turn out... tell me it is easy and they look great!

  11. omgosh. What a daunting task!!! Good for you though!! DIY & renos to your house is such a good feeling of satisfaction and makes you have so much pride in your home. Totally will be worth it in the end!!

  12. 1. Good luck with the kitchen. I bet those cabinets are going to look amazing!
    2. I'm jealous of everyone who gets to see those pretty fall colors! I should prep a post now so I can link up on the 1st :)
    3. Thanks for linking up for MMG!

  13. Your Fall colors image made me excited. The best time of the year!

  14. lol I don't envy you. Good luck tackling those cabinets!

    Hopefully next week we'll see the gorgeous results :)
