Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Resolution Recap: June & I haven't bought a thing!

The year is half way over and I am still holding strong

I cannot believe I haven't bought anything for a whole six months. That is seriously nuts. 

The main thing I have learned from this is that, going forward, I want to purchase classic pieces of good quality. I am at the point in my life where being the trendiest person on the block isn't that important anymore. Plus, living in the south, seer-suckers and other Southern staples will never go out of style. 

I will continue to buy the "trendy" pieces, but will make sure they are super cheap. As this challenge evolves, I feel a pull towards my classic pieces that have held up over the years.

I know this challenge was meant to happen this year. Since I haven't been spending money on clothes and shoes, Chris and I have noticed such a difference in our bank account. That turned out to be a HUGE blessing when I found out I lost my job. God's timing is so perfect, isn't it? 

And did you hear I passed my test? Whoop, whoop! Celebrating with a massage tomorrow, instead of a new pair of shoes. 

And did you read this post where I am accepting questions for my Blogiversary Vlog?? 

You can read about my other monthly recaps {here}

Here are some of the outfits I wore this month. Ever since I lost my job I have been living in yoga pants and a t-shirt, so I always documented when I put on real clothes!

Half the year over, half to go! Can't wait to see the changes to come all because one shopaholic decided to give shopping up for a YEAR ;)

Have a great day!



  1. I have tried the trendy thing..like, not to long ago and immediately regret it..then it was back to shopping for more staple items. Ones that I can use for seasons to come and not worry. You have great staple pieces friend...and at the same time, always showing great style ;)

  2. Love this!! I wish I could learn how to shop better, I need staple items!! :)

  3. Don't stop! Get it! Get it!!! Girl, I am so freaking proud of you!! You are taking this resolution by storm!!! :) Six more to go!! xoxo

  4. I am so proud of you! Classic pieces really are the best. I'm literally wearing a shirt today that I've worn more in the past month than I have in probably the past 6 years or something crazy like that since I bought it. It's great quality, a silk shirt from Banana and it matches perfectly with a new skirt. I need to start shopping my closet instead of stores and buying things that are different than what I already have. I tend to buy the same item in multiple colors (everything from J.Crew shorts to bathing suits to shoes).

  5. Congrats girl! I feel like if you've come this far the rest is down hill! You can do it!!!

  6. I give you props girl! We would all be better off if we could/would do this!

  7. I love all of your outfits in these photos Sarah! Way to be strong girl!! You are almost there! :)


  8. Wow can't believe it has been that long that you have made it!! CONGRATS girl, gosh I have to beg myself not to go to Target's clearance section a few times a week. You are motivation!!

  9. hey girl!!! I just found your blog and it is adorable!! I put a whole blog about it...Congrats on passing your test!! I currently teach in Illinois and in every interview that comes up the question you have to nail is the Common Core.. common core common core common core... bone up on it... Glad I found you!!

    1. So happy you found me as well! I (thank goodness) got two interviews in May and the guy the hired me didn't even ask any of the "tough" questions. I am so happy to be at the school I am going to and can't wait for this new adventure!
