Wednesday, July 24, 2013

6 Things You Should Know About Me

As if I don't talk about myself enough, this post is solely dedicated to me, myself, and I. I will look away as you click to a more interesting post. Ready, go!

If you're still here then let's get started! Sweet Shio tagged me to write a post based 12 questions she posted. I get to pick six to answer! Here are her 12 questions:

1.// What is one of your silly quirks? Or something silly that you get excited about.
2.// Favorite movie, song, or tv show?
3.// Any funny stories to share that has happened recently?
4.// Tell us something we don't know about you.
5.// What's your favorite beauty secret or product?
6.// What's your favorite or go-to outfit? (pics please)
7.// What's a personal trial you had to overcome?
8.// What's a current dream that you are hoping to achieve?
9.// What's the coolest thing you've made? (food, craft, anything)
10.// Who or what inspires you?
11.// Share one of your favorite pics. Tell us why it's your favorite
12.// What's your favorite part about marriage? Or what have you learned since becoming married?

I will be answering 2, 6, 9, 10, 11, and 12. 

2. Favorite movie, song, TV show?

Movie: Just Go With It. This is one of the two Adam Sandler movies I love. The other being Big Daddy. Chris and I could watch this movie over and over and die laughing every time! From the guy with too much plastic surgery laughing and his drink spilling out of his mouth, to Kiki and her accent....hilarious.

Song: Does anyone have one favorite song? Didn't think so. 

TV Show: House Hunters. All day, errryday. 

6. What's your favorite or go-to outfit?

Since this blog is all about honesty, I will throw this out there. My favorite/go-to outfit is workout clothes. Playing sports my whole life, and then playing softball in college, I am most comfortable in workout clothes. Literally, I am comfy, but in all honesty, athletic clothes are where I feel most like myself. Not like cute matchy, matchy workout clothes, or yoga pants. I am talkin' Nike shorts and a tee-shirt workout clothes. That is me 100%. 

9. What's the coolest thing you've made?

That would have to be my starburst mirror or my headboard. You can read the tutorial on the mirror {here} and the tutorial on the headboard {here}.

10. Who or what inspires you?

This is a tough question because so many people inspire me in different ways. 

My husband inspires me to be a better wife. I am constantly in awe of how in love I am with him. He is so inspiring and gives me the drive to be the best wife and partner I can be. His work ethic, love for me, and smile make me aware that God truly gave me a best friend in Chris.

My Dad inspires me because I truly think he knows me better than anyone. Chris has called him numerous times for advice on how to deal with me, ha! My Dad has always pushed me, supported me, watched me fail, and picked me back up. He has inspired me to do what I want to do, not what society says I have to do. He inspires me to be spontaneous and not care what anyone else thinks.

My Mom. That woman is more free than a bird. Where my Dad is grounded, my Mom always inspired me to think outside the box. Her and my Dad are the perfect team because she likes to dream big and my Dad is great for a reality check. She inspires me to live life to the fullest and love and praise God no matter what trials and tribulations I am facing. 

Lastly, my brother. That kid is possibly the greatest kid in the world. I am inspired by him daily. I want to be an inspiration to him and be the best big sister I can be. He has exceeded my wildest dreams and I have to pinch myself to help me realize I was truly blessed with the most wonderful brother alive. From his smarts (salutatorian), to his athletic ability (point guard, quarterback, pitcher...), to his love for his family and God, I am in awe of this kid. To say he inspires me is an understatement.   

11. Share one of your favorite pictures and tell us why it is your favorite?

I couldn't share just one. Call me a rule breaker. This picture of me and my Dad has been my ALL TIME favorite picture. It encompasses how smitten I was, and still am, with my Dad. I will forever be Daddy's little girl.

And this picture below. I still get giddy thinking about the moment this man dropped to one knee and asked me to be his wife. The sheer happiness I felt in that moment can never be matched. It is that moment every girl dreams of and it couldn't have been more perfect. You can read our amazing proposal story {here}. 

12. What is your favorite part about marriage? What is one thing you have learned?

Getting to live everyday with your best friend is by far my favorite part. Of course I love Chris on a more intimate level (TMI?), but more importantly he makes me laugh and smile constantly. Whether it be him running around the house acting like a child playing with the puppies, or him doing some ridiculous dance, having him in my life, and getting to live with him, brings me such joy. We know everything about each other and are each other's number one priority. Happy wife, happy life :)

I have learned so much! We have learned that, although we adore our families, our relationship and each other comes first. I am his number one priority and he is mine, and that comes before anyone else. When we said our vows we promised to become one, and let me tell you, that isn't always easy. But through the trials we have grown and become closer each and every day.  

Thanks, Shio, for tagging me!

Have a great Thursday!



  1. great post -- I love learning more about other bloggers! I have a similar post up on mine today -- 30 for my 30th : )

  2. Adore the daddy/daughter pic... I have a few of my own that are very special to me!

    Launching 8.1.13

  3. So fun! And that picture of your engagement is perfect!

  4. Awww. love the engagy and daddy pictures! And House Hunters...when I come to Tejas..that's all we are going to watch.

  5. I love this! Love getting to know you better!

  6. you are just precious.. and Im not just saying that because we are related....

  7. Yay, thanks for doing this Sarah!! :) I love that pic of you and your dad, you were adorable when you were little!! Such fun reading all this stuff about you!!! My fave is that pic of your hubby proposing!! Your face is priceless & you're so PRETTY!! xoxo!!
