Monday, May 23, 2016

Easy At Home Workouts

I've always been super active. Playing sports my whole life, even in college, has led me to know nothing else than working out. I love going to the gym and doing classes. My whole life I've had some coach yelling at me to "push it!", but last week we cancelled our gym membership, so I'm left to figure out workouts that will keep me in shape, but can be done at home.

Now that I am a mom, my workouts have changed. When Graham was around 3 weeks we started going on nightly walks. Once I got the clear from my doctor at 6 weeks, our walks turned into jogs mixed with lunges, squats, and push-ups along the way. Yes, I feel silly stopping on sidewalk and pumping out some push-ups, but Chris and I know that if we wait until we get home from our walk, we won't do them.

Running has never been my thing. I've ran one half marathon and I HATED it. All I kept thinking was, "I'm SO bored!" But, getting out each evening for a nice jog has been great. I am surprised as to how much stamina my body held onto after giving birth.

We cancelled our gym membership because Chris works out at the gym at his work and our rates were going up. Plus, there was an additional fee to put G in the childcare, which is only open at certain times throughout the day.

So, here we are left to figure out easy workouts to do at home.

To start, Chris and I have started a 30 day squat challenge. We are on day 8 of this program. I hope to remember to take pictures soon to see a before and after. We are also going to do a push-up challenge once I feel up to it. My lower abs are still a bit sore when I do push-ups, so the few I've been doing on our runs is plenty. We want to do the 100 push-ups for 100 days challenge like Sarah did!

Here are a few other effective and easy workouts that can be done at home. You can follow my fitness Pinterest page to see other workouts I've been pinning!

And of course the ultimate motivator to workout is new workout clothes!

I'm loving all these printed leggings!! How fun for summer!

New workout tops are something I like to switch out every year just because of how gross some of them become. All of these tanks are really cute!

And we can't forget about tennis shoes! There are so many fun colors and patterns to choose from now days. These options are girly, yet get the job workout done.

So what workouts do you other moms do? How do I start to like running?!

Happy Monday!


  1. Camp Gladiator started for me at 5am this morning! I wish we were neighbors and could do it together! but.. walking those long walks are what really whipped me back into shape after Baker.

  2. You go Mamma! My hardest thing is the working out..I've got the eating better down no problem...I got a treadmill and a total gym cause I cancelled my gym membership too.

  3. If you ever want something easy that is quick and will make you feel some the song Bring Sally can google all types of variations; pushups, squats, push press....and it's only a little over 3 minutes but it is definitely a great little push.

  4. I used to hate running but then it became my therapy. I lost 4 grandparents and an uncle in less than 2 years. I struggled to be a corporate America employee and be a good mommy. My son has severe ADHD so this is my time to get out there, clear my head and be alone. There are times I sing along to the music. There are times that I pray. It is me time. I have ran 6 half marathons now and one on the books for June. You just have to find that thing that lets you have your therapy time. <3

  5. oh love this, have been trying to find some more workouts to do at home! Adding these to my list!

  6. Totally agree on not going to a gym with a little one-- too hard all around! After baby, I got into T25 and 21 Day Fix workouts-- they are under 30 min and I can do them whenever I want at home. Plus there are multiple discs so it doesn't get boring. Now that Bryce is older, I do like going on runs with him in our jogging stroller...hey, maybe it'll grow on ya! :-)

  7. I want them to know that working out does not have to be painful, boring, or expensive. FREE Flat Abs Fast Exercise DVD

  8. I really like to workout a lot. My friends call me workout-nut and loves to wear best workout clothes during my yoga class or gym. Few days back my friend purchased comfortable tights on good price. Planning to place my active wear order there only.

  9. The squat challenge sounds fun, will give it a try sometime. Have you considered buying some home gym equipment? there are a number of cost effective exercise machine that can be helpful now that you don't go to the gym anymore

  10. I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this blog. Very Informative post.

  11. Thank you so much for sharing this, this is so helpful for me, I will try your 30 days squat challenge, but I'll try this with my pro bar to add more exciting to my work outs.

  12. Thank you so much for sharing your workout routine with us! It helped me a lot in planning my own one! I kindly ask you to have a peek here. What do you think about that exercise equipment? Which one would you choose for yourself? I'm dreaming about my own small home gym and can't choose from which device should I start.

  13. One word of warning. If you want to get more interesting details about abs workout, head over to the website.
