Wednesday, April 15, 2015

WIWW: Hi-Neck + Link Up

Last week I had some credit card points burning a hole in my account and I decided to head to Old Navy. I've been eyeing these sandals for a couple weeks and they were selling out everywhere, so I wanted to get them while they lasted! (They are still available online here!)

While making my rounds through Old Navy (does anyone else make several rounds before deciding you're done shopping and ready to try on?) I saw this high-neck striped top for $10. Yes, $10.

Right when I got home I scurried in the house and told Chris I might have bought a couple things while I was out and about, but they didn't cost me anything because of our points. When I came out in this top he said, "Wow, babe! Cautie, patootie!" I'll take it that he forgot that I just walked in with a bag of clothes :)

My other purchases included: this top, this tank, this vest, this bra, this bra, and a couple of these workout tanks.

I think I am all stocked up on tops for the spring and into summer. I now need it to stop raining, so I can put my new cute tops to good use!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.


  1. Hello Sarah! I love your casual look and the choice of the colourful accessories! thank you for this friendly link up party! Baci,
    Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog - Valeria Arizzi

    1. Hi Coco! Thanks so much! Happy you stopped by!

  2. Loooove that teal bag!! Your whole look is so springy and cute!

    1. Thanks Rachel!! I need to remember I have that bag...I always forget!

  3. Love the pops of color with the bag and the neon sandals. cray cray adorbs my friend. Thanks for hosting once more.

  4. Love that bag with your mostly neutral outfit. And that shirt is super cute, makes me want one too. You always find such good deals!

    1. The shirt is now $9!! It is so soft and comes in black...which might be my favorite clothing color haha!

  5. Cute outfit! Love your sandals. Yes, Old Navy is a dangerous place….too many good deals, I popped in there last week to buy some of their $3.00 tanks, and ended up finding quite a few other goodies as well!

    1. That always happens to me! It is like Target! Go in for one thing and leave with ten!

  6. Sandals are super cute-- great find! Love the pops of color, great pics :)

    1. Thanks Amanda!! The hubs gets credit for the pics :)

  7. Super cute! I ordered online with some of my points this week and am now kicking myself that I did not order the vest or the sandals!

    1. The vest is soooo handy! I wear it all the time to school so that my dresses are "dress code" appropriate.

  8. Love the high neck on you! I've kinda been eyeing that one too and for $10 you can't beat it! I have a couple of those sports bras too and you will love them! Almost all of my workout clothes are Old Navy actually. They have some great stuff!

    1. Thanks friend! Not going to lie...high necks are my favorite look on me. Not sure why but I gravitate to tops like this!! Miss you!

  9. Man, now I feel like I need to go to Old Navy with my gift cards :) And those gray jeans are just making me dream of new ones :)

    1. Old Navy is dangerously close to my school and every time we get credit card rewards I am there in a heartbeat!

  10. I love the little teal bag and the coloured sandals! Super cute pieces and colours.

  11. I really appreciate this post. I have been looking everywhere for this! Thank goodness I found it on Bing. You have made my day! Thx again giày jordan cổ cao
