Saturday, April 25, 2015

Shop || Saturday Swimwear

I can't even crank out a post everyday of the week, but leave it up to Mrs. Inconsistent to produce a Saturday post. Mainly I blame Chris for sleeping in like a college kid. He turns 28 and reverts back to his 18 year old sleeping habits. At this point during the work week I've heard my name called 4,302 times (Mrs. T! Misssssessss TTTTTT, Mrs. Tuckerrr!, Mom!) and said, "please quiet down" approximately every minute.

So, naturally, I can't sleep in. I start hearing ten year cherubs call my name in my sleep and then I have two fur children who think the floor is on fire because they can't stand still for three. freaking. seconds. once they hear my first peep of waking.

T-minus six weeks until we will be setting sail to Key West and the Bahamas! In honor of not feeling like going to the gym, we are going swimsuit shopping today!

Above are some suits I've been eyeing.

Flamingo: I'm all about the one piece this year, which is weird since I've been working out so hard. I just think I am liking the thought of being active on our cruise without having to worry if something is going to fall out. Plus, how can you go wrong with Kate or flamingos?

Floral Hi-neck: After buying this top, I've been loving the hi-neck style. Plus, this suit comes in a one piece and I think I might like that version more. Deep V, anyone?

Aztec: This would be my lounging suit. It does come down a little lower than most bikini tops which could make my short torso look even shorter than it already is, so I'll have to try it on and see how it works. Being barely 5'3", sometimes the pictures do not accurately portray how the suit will look on someone built like me! #shortandstalkyforthewin

Hi-neck Crochet: Back to the hi-neck I go. I love black swimsuits. Almost too much. But, I love that this top could be mixed and matched with a fun bottom.

Stripes: Throwback? Seriously one of my favorites. It comes in light pink, too, and I can just picture myself with a fruity drink, big hat and sunnies, lounging like a beached whale. Ahhhh, come on vacation!

Sporty Blue: This suit is totally me. Sporty, reversible (two-for-one, duh), basic. I am 99% sure this suit will be coming home with me after I try it on. I feel like everything would stay in it's place while I ride jet-skies, throw the football, tackle Chris on a water trampoline, ride down the slides at Atlantis, etc. Plus, the back is my favorite.

Which one is your favorite? Happy Saturday!

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