Sunday, January 5, 2014

Five Important Things I Learned From My Resolution

1. You have enough. 
Every girl thinks, "Oh my gosh I need those shoes!" No, we don't need any of it. This year has taught me that I have plenty. I don't need 3/4 of the clothes, shoes, and accessories I have. I will say the cliche thing, but there are people all around the world who live with 1/100th of what some of us live with and they are happier than some will ever be. 

I have learned that when I put emphasis on materialistic things, I am less happy. Those items give me momentary happiness, but it is my relationships and the life I lead that gives me true happiness.

2. You have so much more time when you don't shop.
Let's face it. In order to make sure I had no temptation of buying things, I avoided shopping and going to the mall. If I needed something for someone I ordered it online or went with Chris to the store. I used to 'run' over to the mall 2-3 times a week after work. We would end up eating out for dinner because I didn't get home in time to start dinner because I was spending money on frivolous things. I would spend my down-time on the weekends at the mall, which led to going other places as well. This whole year I never had to worry about wasting time aimlessly window shopping. I found my therapeutic escape in other things.

3. No one really notices designer items.
At one point I was very caught up in buying clothes only from Nordstrom, or higher end places. My jeans had to be designer and my shoes needed to as well. I was finding that the items I got the most compliments on were items from TJ Maxx and Ross, which were a quarter of the cost of some of my other items. I don't live a fancy lifestyle. I am a normal girl who comes from a very country family, who married a guy from the 'burbs who wouldn't know a designer bag from a grocery bag. We don't have friends who are 'hoity-toity' and don't make materialistic things the focus in our lives. I raised pigs and lived on a dirt road until going to college. You get the point. Our lives are very down-to-earth and I have now learned that the people who you care most about, and who care the most about you, couldn't care less about where your clothes come from, nor should I care what anyone else thinks either.

4. Clothes are just clothes. 
I used to be hesitant to let people borrow my clothes with the fear of them accidentally ruining it, or never giving it back. Now, with 100% confidence, I can say that I don't care who borrows my clothes, if they accidentally ruin it, or forget to give it back. It is just clothes. I refuse to lose sleep over a materialistic thing as lame as an article of clothing.

5. God doesn't care.
One of the bible verses I have really grasped to this whole year is Matthew 6:19-21

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

At the end of the day, God doesn't care what you're wearing. You can't take any of it when you go, so why not focus on more important things? 

I am so appreciative to all who have sent me such encouraging words, thoughts, and prayers. This year has truly been life changing. To all those who think you could never do this, you can! Believe me, I was a shopaholic and thought I never could accomplish this, but I did! 

Thanks to all those pretties out there who cleaned out their closets and sent me such wonderful clothes! Thank you a million times over! I am now in the process of cleaning out my closet and have three huge bags of items ready to be donated. I have really found my personal style and am ready to start 2014 fresh.



  1. You are amazing!! I'm so glad you were able to accomplish this!

  2. Thanks for being such an amazing inspiration! Love your learnings - Words to live by :)

  3. Thanks for sharing these lessons you learned. I know I have more clothes/accessories than I need and I really need to do something about it. Thanks for being an inspiration to many of us!

  4. These are such great points! Thanks for being an inspiration :)

  5. Love this... really, I do. Even as I am revamping and overhauling my entire closet, this is an inspirational lesson to keep in mind. Thank you for that friend.


  6. This is incredibly sweet, thank you for sharing!

  7. I would agree - no one really cares about the designer unless its pointed out point blank to them. I got my first designer Coach purse from my husband, that he picked out, 2 years ago. People have continuously asked me when I'm going to get another and its like never, because I use my purses until they are torn apart. I like that I have one, and one is fine for me!

  8. So proud that you did it! I was going for a no shop Jan. & then I went to the mall yesterday to spend a couple gift cards (cause that doesn't count right) then I got caught up and bought way more then I should have... I now have buyers remorse and may end up returning so of what I got... :-(

  9. Great lessons and advice friend..such a huge proud ;)

  10. You are truly amazing!! More and more I am convinced I can actually do this! So inspiring girly!!

  11. This is a great post! I learn so much from you!

  12. I love this friend. Point me to this post when I am needing some motivation. I hate that I got caught up lately and lost my own sense of my style. Hoping to find it again hanging in my closet and not on my pinterest board. I am doing a daily devotional and the FIRST day it had this verse "Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2. How perfect is that?!

  13. Cheers to you and your accomplishment and more importantly it taught you a life lesson!

  14. Love this post. It speaks so much truth. Definitely working on this in 2014! Thank you :)

  15. Seriously- you are such an inspiration lady!! I can identify with each and every single point you made...I bet you must feel so much better these days without all the consumerism! I would love to quit cold turkey but I plan to take baby steps- but steps in the right direction nonetheless! :-)

  16. I needed to read this today, family, God, and surrounding yourself with those that you love is most important. Thanks for reminding me of this today!


  17. I just found your blog today - what a blessing! I too am a girl who LOVES fashion and shopping, but it can so easily become an idol. Most of the blogs I regularly read encourage that idolatry in me and leave me always wanting more and feeling inadequate. Needless to say, I find your outlook so authentic, encouraging, and convicting - you have definitely given me something of lasting value. Thank you!

  18. what an inspirational post, and recap of your resolution from last year!!!

  19. Sarah, what a way to share you final stop on this journey. I have told you 100 times, but really, this was such an inspiration! So many of us, including myself, get wrapped up in tangible things and instead of loving and embracing God's true blessings. You are a gem, my friend and so honored to have you in my life!! WAY TO GO!!!! BOOM!

  20. You did it! Thanks for the inspiration. I have truly tired asking myself "do I really need this" before I purchase anything. It does help, or at least make me think about what I am buying.

  21. I am SO, SO, SO, SO, SO proud of you. Seriously. I don't think I could do what you did in 2013. I thought of you A LOT this past year and am so impressed with how you stuck with it. You are an inspiration!!!!!!

  22. Love this! And you, of course :) Such wise words. I love that we've gotten to share this experience and can't wait to see what this year brings! Proud of you, lady!

  23. For sure! It takes a lot of TIME to do all that shopping! Time that could be spent better elsewhere.
