Thursday, September 6, 2012

I'm Hung and Powertools

I came home the other day to find me, on the wall! Chris hung my bridal portrait in our bedroom. The frame had been sitting on the ground since we got married just waiting to be hung, but life has gotten in the way of our house projects lately. Now, I am no longer chillin' on the ground; I am flyin' high just hangin' out!

I love the picture because of the b-e-a-utiful scenery of the Dallas Arboretum in the background. Eventually, when I think about it and have time, I will post my bridal pictures (since I just realized no one has seen them!).

Also, I got a call from Chris the other day at work. It started off something along the lines of "I have to ask you something." It sounded important, so I listened with intent. Ha! Chris had to urgently let me know that Lowe's was having a sale on the power tools we had looked at the day before and he had to go buy them. Nope, we aren't building anything. Yes, Chris has plenty of tools. No, I didn't think it was a necessity. Yes, we agreed that he could get the tools.

The smile on his face when I got home was as if we had just been given a million bucks. He made me hide my eyes (like it was my surprise) and then he led me to the kitchen where he had his "manly" tools laid out on the counter.

"If it makes you happy, then it can't be that baddddd," was running through my head when I dared ask how much all this cost us! It was "well worth it, Honey, well worth it," were the words I was told. The smile on his face was all I needed to know that he loved his new power tools. Now he needs to put those tools to use and help me build a headboard! Please :)


  1. Chris got himself some mean toys! :D Hmm, have you taken interest of using these power tools yourself? You might be surprised, when you find out the things you can do with these tools. It can also serve as a form of bonding time between you and Chris. I hope you’ve given that idea a thought, Sarah!

    1. I actually have used power tools since I was little. I use them all the time for projects around our house!
