Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Garage Sale Finds

When Chris is in the garage-sale-mode, he is on the hunt for junk and stuff to clutter our house a bargain. Last weekend was the community wide garage sale in Lantana. Chris and I usually are selling our old stuff that Chris bought from the previous year's garage sale junk, so we never get to participate. This time we were selling nothing and were on the lookout (for nothing in particular).
At the spring garage sale we got a HUGE deep freeze that Chris insisted we get. It has made a very good storage shelve and saw horse, but it has yet to be used as an actual freezer. One day I am sure we will be able to fill it up! We also scored big with our Kitchenaid stainless steel refrigerator!
Here is what we found at this fall's garage sale:

I walked away with matching black vases and another item for $1 that I am secretly doing something with and will post about later! I also got 12 amber colored chargers for my fall table setting. Once I get it all set up I will show it to you!
Chris walked away with a bunch of baseball stuff. Not sure where it is going to go, but it was $5, so I let the boy get it :) He also LOVES those books and apparently he doesn't have those in his "library." He also hit a home run with some almost brand new golf shoes for 10 bucks! He said they are probably worth $60-80, so I was pleased with that purchase.

Together we got a 40 gallon tin trash can for $3. I have wanted one to put the dog food in because I HATE sticking my hand down in the bag...your whole arm comes out smelling like dog food. Gross. The guy wanted to get rid of the smaller 20 gallon can so bad that he threw that one in for free! Score!

Have you found any great garage sale deals?!

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