Thursday, June 13, 2019

Hello!! Life Update Comin' in Hot!

Hello! Holy moly it has been a hot minute since I've logged on here, but I am feeling all sappy in the fact that baby boy #2 has virtually nothing documented for him. I'm usually not a sentimental person, but I do LOVE going back to posts about Graham and seeing how much he changed, what he was doing at certain ages, etc. This is my virtual baby book/life scrapbook and I have not been keeping up with it!

I'm making no promises that I'll be back to posting regularly, but I do miss this little space of mine!

So, what have we been doing? Well, I stopped posting consistently towards the end of last summer, and since then a lot has happened!

In August we moved into our newly built home.

I also started teaching closer to home and it was the best decision ever! A 15 minute commute compared to a 50 minute commute just can't be beat!

Graham started at a new school that he loves!

I enjoyed girl's days with some of my besties!

In October we hosted our best friend's gender reveal party! It was SO fun learning they were expecting a baby boy! They live four doors down, so all our boys will grown up like brothers!

We also had the best Halloween! Graham finally understands what to do, and it was so fun!

The first weekend in November I host my best friend's bridal shower!

November 9th I came home from camp with my 5th graders. That night I took a pregnancy test (at the urging of one of my best friends who knows my cycle better than I do) and found out we were pregnant!

Over Thanksgiving break G officially became potty trained. I didn't have to really do anything except finally buy him some underwear. His teachers did everything! Praise them!

December was filled with holiday festivities! My sister in law, mother in law, and I went to NYC! This was my second year in a row to go to NYC during Christmas and I am addicted. This trip was a little different because I was newly pregnant, so I did give the city a warm welcome by puking out of a taxi window seconds before arriving at our hotel!

NYC was followed by a huge family trip to Park City, Utah the first week in January!

My whole family and Chris's whole family rented a huge house in the mountains and spent a week skiing, relaxing, and enjoying our time together! 

In January we told everyone we were expecting baby boy #2!

In February, I served as my best friend's Matron of Honor. Her wedding was beautiful, and to say WE have waited for this day for a long time would be an understatement! It was the best day!

We also found out my sister in law and brother in law will be having a little girl in August!

Over Spring Break Chris and I traveled to Portland for a mini baby-moon. We were sure we would go on an official baby-moon, but I've had some minor complications with the pregnancy that keep arising (no worries!), so that halted us from feeling comfortable traveling too far. 

On March 24th G said good-bye to his pacis. The Paci Fairy came and took all the pacis to the babies that need them :)

On April 1st our G-man turned 3! Give me allll the toddlers because this age is fun! I am a pretty patient person, and don't freak out about much, so the tantrums, etc. don't really phase me at all. Now, that baby stage, whew! I'm getting all the sleep I can get because that stage is no joke!

At the end of April our best friends welcomed their precious baby boy. They also built their house four houses away from ours, so we are really that close! Them having their baby boy has been a gentle ease into big brotherhood for Graham!

We spent a long weekend at the lake with my parents. I was just a waddling whale and not much help with G, but that's what uncles are for, right?

Our friends spoiled us with a Baby-Q! We are so blessed! We also showered my sis in law the day after our Baby Q! Cousins that are due five weeks apart!

Now it is June and I've been soaking up this precious time with my biggest boy. Chris took him to his first Rangers game! I love him at this age so much. Life is easy lately, and I couldn't be more thankful. I should also add he still goes to school Tuesdays and Thursdays, because....momma needs a break! 

That was a lot, and I didn't even mention half of what we did, but I hope to keep up a little better, so that 10 years from now...when I have a bunch of teenage boys, I can look back and remember how cute they were :)

Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Loved the recap! I don't get on social media nearly enough to see your sweet family.
