Thursday, June 15, 2017

Oxygen Eye Mask

We all know that being a mom means you've got bags and dark circles under your eyes no matter how much sleep you get. As I get older I am trying to take more care of my skin. I do religiously wash my face and moisturize, but beyond that I'm pretty lazy.

When I found out about VIIcode O2M Oxygen Eye Pads for Dark Circles, I couldn't wait to give them a try. Why not?! I'm willing to try anything to make me look less tired! VIIcode is an 8-hour overnight treatment, which is different from other sheet masks. The amazing gel material is a feature of the mask (and my favorite part!!). I felt like I was at the spa when I put them on! One box contains six pairs of eye masks and a full course of treatment is three boxes. 

I honestly wouldn't say I am one who has bags under her eyes. Dark circles, yes?? But bags, no. So, I can't honestly speak to the nature of relieving bags under your eyes.

The first night I wore the eye masks I put them too close to my eyes and they drove me nuts. I quickly learned the correct placement and the gel seriously felt so good!

The picture above is after three treatments within one week. I am wearing only powder and a very small amount of (cheap!) concealer. I normally have to put more concealer under my eyes, and sometimes bust out my expensive stuff, but my dark circles were almost nonexistent. The only part that was dark was right by the inner crease of my eye, but I can't place the mask in that area, so that's understandable.

Overall the masks did what they were supposed to and, with consistent treatment, they could have me looking young for years! Just kidding. But, they can help me fight time as long as possible!

You can use the code GLQG8ZEE to get $3 off your own eye masks! Offer ends June 30th!

Happy Thursday!

*Thanks for VIIcode for sending me these eye masks to try out! All opinions are truly my own! 

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