Wednesday, March 1, 2017

WIWW: White Jeans + Link Up

Happy Wednesday! I have so many exciting things to get to today!

First, our Graham-man is 11 months old today! How?! I've totally failed with his nine and ten month updates, but I'm planning a combined update soon! Monthly updates are mainly for my benefit, but he has changed so much, and this blog serves as his baby book, so I really need to step up my 'momming' game! 

Secondly, SHOPBOP is having their huge sale! I ordered these clogs (yes, clogs!!), but after Grace modeled them, I couldn't resist. Chris also scored himself some much needed shoes that he promised he would model. Start holding your breath now for that post :)

Lastly, I've worn these white jeans so much lately! They are perfect for (cough, cough) the impending spring weather. And I've said it before and I'll say it again, I can't quit my Tory purse. I. Just. Can't. 

Have a great day!


  1. 11 months already? Wow - planning a big 1st bday for him?

  2. Cute outfit! Thanks for the linkup ~

    -Kirsten // pork & cookies

  3. Love this look! The color of your top is so pretty!

    xx, Elise

  4. love the color of the top against the white jeans.

    Life is just Rosie

  5. Great color combination for spring! I love that teal especially. It looks fabulous on you!


  6. I'm so anxious to wear my white jeans to work (I'm a school-based SLP)... how do you do it?!
